Digital Logos Edition
Telling God’s Story looks closely at the Bible from its beginning in Genesis to its conclusion in Revelation. By approaching Scripture as one purposefully flowing narrative, emphasizing the inter-connectedness of the text, veteran college professors Preben Vang and Terry G. Carter reinforce the Bible’s greatest teachings and help readers in their own ability to share God’s story effectively with others.
Updated to include more interaction with biblical theology and a new section on the intertestamental period, this third edition of Telling God’s Story is ideal for Christians seeking to grow in their understanding of God’s Word.
“The Mosaic covenant had been broken, and it would not be restored. The law no longer defined the covenant relationship between God and his people; it functioned simply as a rigorous guideline for living.” (Page 5)
“These regulations, called the Ten Commandments, became the foundation for a new bilateral covenant called the Mosaic covenant. It was bilateral because demands were put on both parties in the relationship. Yahweh promised he would be their God, they would be his people, and he would dwell in their midst. They were to keep the law as expressed in the commandments. Beyond the Ten Commandments, other rules and regulations were written down to define how the Israelites should live and worship the God in their midst. As a legal covenant, the Mosaic covenant required man’s obedience as its central feature. This was different from the Abrahamic covenant, which had God’s faithfulness to his promise as its central feature.” (Page 3)
“Ezekiel shared a vision in which God’s throne was on wheels, moving in every direction. In the days to come, God would move with his people as in the days of old—not just among them, as with the tabernacle—but within them, through his Spirit. The glory that had left the temple would be manifested through the people of the Spirit.” (Page 5)
“How could the serpent so successfully tempt a human? The serpent’s greatest tool in temptation was Eve’s own desire.” (Page 34)
“When God’s people have a good relationship with the Creator, other relationships fall into place” (Page 80)