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Products>Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible

Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible

, 2021
ISBN: 9780310111306

Digital Logos Edition

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Can the truth about Jesus be uncovered--even without a body or a crime scene? Join cold-case detective and bestselling author J. Warner Wallace as he investigates Jesus using an innovative and unique approach he employs to solve real missing person murder cases.

In Person of Interest, Wallace carefully sifts through the evidence from history alone, without relying on the New Testament. You’ll understand like never before how Jesus, the most significant person in history, changed the world.


  • Join a cold-case detective as he uncovers the truth about Jesus using the same approach he employs to solve real murder cases
  • Marvel at the way Jesus changed the world as you investigate why Jesus still matters today
  • Learn how to use an innovative and unique “fuse and fallout” investigative strategy that you can also use to examine other claims of history
  • Explore and learn how to respond to common objections to Christianity

Detective J. Warner Wallace listened to a pastor talk about Jesus and wondered why anyone would think Jesus was a person of interest.

Wallace was skeptical of the Bible, but he’d investigated several no-body homicide cases in which there was no crime scene, no physical evidence, and no victim’s body. Could the historical life and actions of Jesus be investigated in the same way?

In Person of Interest, Wallace describes his own personal investigative journey from atheism to Christianity as he carefully considers the evidence. Creative, compelling, and fully illustrated, Person of Interest will strengthen the faith of believers while engaging those who are skeptical and distrusting of the New Testament.

This is a Logos Reader Edition. Learn more.

  • Utlizes an innovative and unique “fuse and fallout” investigative strategy to examine claims of history
  • Explores how to respond to common objections to Christianity
  • Uncovers the truth about Jesus using the same approach employed to solve real murder cases

Top Highlights

“Jesus arrived at this point in human history, when the Roman Empire embraced a version of religious tolerance unique to the history of the ancient world, providing a small window of opportunity. This window allowed Jesus to preach a message his followers could communicate to the world.” (source)

“At the pinnacle of Roman rule, most of Europe, Asia Minor, the Balkans, the Middle East, the coast of North Africa, the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea were unified under the same economic, military, and linguistic systems.7 Had Jesus arrived on the scene prior to 27 BCE, his impact on the ‘known world’ would have been much smaller and more difficult to advance, especially beyond the boundaries of the empires that preceded Rome.” (source)

“The size of the Roman Empire allowed Jesus’s teaching to spread within its expansive borders, but it was also the power of the empire that allowed the message of Jesus to be heard.” (source)

“‘Jesus doesn’t make room for other religions, other gods, or other . . . paths. He doesn’t accommodate them in any way. He never even refers to them.’” (source)

“This small window of Roman peace provided the perfect setting for the teaching and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The relative tranquility resulted in a surprising development that would assist those who wanted to spread Jesus’s message.” (source)

Wallace has an uncanny ability to discover clues where no one else sees them. Now he tackles perhaps his toughest case ever: solving a deeply personal mystery involving his own religious faith.

—Robert Dean, producer of NBC News Dateline

A creative and eye-opening work. You'll be captivated as Wallace takes you on a thrilling journey of discovery.

—Lee Strobel, bestselling author of The Case for Christ

If you read this book, you will have to reckon with Jesus, not just as a historical person but as Lord and Savior. This is not your typical apologetics book!

—Alisa Childers, author of Another Gospel

J. Warner Wallace is a cold case homicide detective, a missions leader, and a church planter. As a result of his work on cold cases, Wallace has been featured on numerous television programs including Dateline, FOX News, and Court TV. Wallace's visual presentations in the courtroom have revolutionized how capital offense trials are presented in Los Angeles County and across the country. A vocal atheist for many years, Wallace is now an apologist for Christianity and the founder of the ColdCaseChristianity.com Blog, Podcast, and Website. He has a master's degree in theological studies. He and his wife have four children and live in southern California.


2 ratings

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  1. Joseph E

    Joseph E


    Absolutely spectacular resource!!!!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait to read it again and again !!!!!!!
  2. Rick Wilson

    Rick Wilson


    J. Warner Wallace makes a case proving Jesus was a real person with resources outside the Bible. I believe the Bible, so that is enough for me, but having this resource provides additional evidence for those that have doubts.
