Digital Logos Edition
A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture is in fact a Scriptural history spanning from creation to the Apostolic Church. The intent is primarily catechetical and the work provides an exposition of the basic doctrines of the Church through a commentary on the Biblical narrative. In each section it also provides a moral exhortation to the application of the doctrine in question. The work was and remains immensely popular, going through multiple editions and remaining in print to the present.
With the Logos edition of A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture, every word is essentially a link. Scripture references are linked directly to the original language texts and English Bible translations in your library. For every word—in English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, or any language—you can double-click on that word, and your digital library will automatically search your lexicons for a match. That gives you instant access to a wealth of technical linguistic and etymological data, along with tools for accurate exegesis and interpretation.
“They are divided into nine choirs, according to each one’s degree of wisdom, power and glory. These are, beginning with the lowest: Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim.” (Page 12)
“At the Last Day we shall not be judged according to the opinions and easy-going principles of the world, but according to the holy Commandments of God and of His Church.” (Page 40)
“Above all things guard against pride; it is, as Holy Scripture says, hateful before God and men (Ecclus. 10:7). Do not be conceited or vain about your clothes, or your appearance, or your knowledge, or your parents’ position, but give glory to God in all things; for you have received everything from Him. The more God has given you, the more you should thank Him. Drive away all vain thoughts, and say very often: ‘Every good gift comes from Thee, O God; I thank Thee for all that I am and for all that I have!’” (Page 13)
“Noe feared God, but did not fear the impious world. Very often you fear men more than God. Have you never been ashamed to make the sign of the cross, or to kneel down to say your prayers, or to take holy water? Do not ever again be so cowardly! Pay no attention to the scoffs of bad people, but be strong, and fearlessly confess your faith! Pray earnestly to God the Holy Ghost for the gifts of fortitude and holy fear!” (Page 41)
“The question is, why did our Lord Jesus Christ choose for this stupendous office twelve ignorant men, of a low station in life, and of no importance in the eyes of the world? It was to show to the whole world that the maintenance and spread of the Church and her doctrine were not due to human wisdom and learning, but solely to His grace and protection.” (Page 521)