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Totally Sufficient: The Bible and Christian Counseling

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Christian counselors agree that the Bible's message of salvation can radically change lives. Scripture can lead even the most unlikely people to faith but when it comes to everyday problems - is the Bible really enough? Can we say that scripture is sufficient for every counseling situation? Here we have more than a dozen highly trained counselors, medical experts and pastors who are highly respected in there fields. Every one has at least one doctorate relevant to the area they examine in this book. Their answers to the question stated above are enlightening, thought provoking and surprising.

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Top Highlights

“Many Christians accept these concepts without any comprehension of whether they are biblically valid. For example, it is quite common to hear a Christian say, ‘I am a recovering alcoholic,’ or ‘I am co-dependent.’ They accept these conditions as having the same credibility as the substitutionary atonement of Christ. In doing so, these Christians embrace symptoms as conditions and end up locking themselves into living with these symptoms for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, they never learn to deal with the root problem of their symptoms, which is sin.” (Page 20)

“The focus among evangelicals has shifted from inerrancy to sufficiency, and this shift has created a dichotomy with profound effects. The logical implication of this dichotomy is the concept that the Bible is sufficient to gain passage into heaven, but it is insufficient to deal with life on this earth.” (Page 19)

“The net effect in every integrationist’s system is that secular error eats up biblical truth, so that false views of human nature and of the change/counseling process control the system.” (Page 65)

“The Chicago Statement on Biblical Errancy states that ‘the authority of scripture is a key issue for the Christian church in this and every age. Those who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are called to show the reality of their discipleship by humbly and faithfully obeying God’s written Word. To stray from Scripture in faith and conduct is disloyalty to our Master. Recognition of the total truth and trustworthiness of Holy Scripture is essential to a full grasp and adequate confession of its authority.’” (Page 25)

Product Details

  • Title: Totally Sufficient: The Bible and Christian Counseling
  • Author: Howard Eyrich and Ed Hindson
  • Publisher: NavPress
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Pages: 254


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