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Analytical Handbook of the Greek Text of the Letter to the Philippians

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This resource provides an analysis of syntactic aspects of the texts of the New Testament on a verse by verse basis. The book was designed primarily for students of the Bible who have completed a preliminary course in Greek but do not feel comfortable in handling the Greek text on their own. Paul's letter to the Philippians serves as the perfect case study in exercising the reader's understanding of the New Testament's original language.

The Greek of the New Testament dates back to almost 2000 years ago, requiring special skills and training to read and comprehend its manner of expression and flow of the argument which is often quite foreign to speakers and readers of modern languages. To render such ancient Greek texts literally into modern languages often result in reading without real comprehension. Various modern translations rephrasing the Greek into a modern colloquial idiom often leaves the reader in doubt which is correct and trustworthy, since these modern translations often differ to such an extent that many readers feel uncertain which translation to accept. Yet to acquire the competence to read the ancient Greek text oneself, is beyond the reach of most readers since such competence requires many years of study.

Now with the electronic version of the Analytical Handbook on Philippians you can study the word forms and syntactic structures of Paul's epistle. Sentence diagrams and extensive notes provide in-depth analysis for nearly every verse in Philippians!

More Information About This Resource

The focus of the analysis in the Analytical Handbook on Philippians is the syntactic relations in the text. Although the discussion is verse by verse, the basic linguistic unit used is the sentence. In those cases where sentences extend over more than one verse (or are shorter than a verse), this is indicated in the discussion and also reflected in the relevant diagrams.

The comments on each verse consist, first, of a brief indication of the linguistic relationship of the verse to the preceding or following verse(s) in the section titled Context. Secondly, the form and meaning of individual words and lexical units are indicated under Word Forms and Meanings. Where appropriate, more than one translation equivalent is given for the meaning of the Greek term or lexical unit in a particular verse. Under Syntactic Structure, a diagrammatic representation is provided of the syntactic structure of the verse, followed by a discussion of the detail structure in terms of the diagram. A fourth section, called Notes, contains additional information relating to a variety of linguistic aspects.

The Greek text used for the analysis and discussion is that of the United Bible Societies, Third Corrected Edition (1983). The pericope headings of the UBS-text are also retained in the discussion for the sake of reference.

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Top Highlights

“two coordinate sentences linked by ἀλλά (‘but’), viz. μηδὲν μεριμνᾶτε ((i) in Fig. 107) and ἐν παντὶ τῇ προσευχῇ καὶ τῇ” (Page 222)

“The object of σκοποῦντες is the substantivised phrase τὰ ἑαυτῶν, lit. ‘the things of yourselves’ (= ‘your interests’).” (Pages 93–94)

  • Title: Analytical Handbook of the Greek Text of the Letter to the Philippians
  • Author: H. C. Du Toit
  • Publication Date: 2001


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