Digital Logos Edition
Literally a “synoptic enumeration of sacred annotations,” Rev. Bloomfield’s Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae is an exegetical, philological, and doctrinal commentary on the interpretation of the Greek New Testament. The nine-volume set contains annotations from classical and rabbinical authors, the Church Fathers, and contemporary English and Continental biblical scholars. In addition, Rev. Bloomfield has incorporated notes from his 18 years of classical, biblical, and literary study of the Greek language.
Written for the student and the ordinand, Rev. Bloomfield's work aims to bring together “the most important materials for the right interpretation of Scripture, hitherto dispersed amidst numerous bulky and expensive volumes.” All the annotations have been translated into English from their original tongues. Where strong disagreement exists on the interpretation of a particular passage, Rev. Bloomfield adds critical remarks to aid the reader in navigating the various options.
With the Logos edition of Recensio Synoptica Annotationis Sacrae, you can perform powerful, remarkably fast searches of Rev. Bloomfield’s monumental work. Greek and Latin references are linked to the other Greek and Latin works in your library. You can jump back and forth from the Greek scripture to Rev. Bloomfield’s notes with a click, or run them side by side for quick reference while you read.
It would be impossible to convey to our readers an adequate idea of the mass of information which the learned author has brought to bear upon the numerous passages which he has undertaken to illustrate, and we can safely say, that . . . the enquirer will find very few of which Mr. Bloomfield has not given a complete and satisfactory exposition.
—Quarterly Theological Review
We frequently get more from Bloomfield than from Alford, though he is not so fashionable. His notes are full of teaching.