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What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times

Digital Logos Edition

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God has a glorious future in store for believers in Jesus Christ. How much do you really know about it? The Bible has a great deal to say concerning the end times.

Have you ever wondered:

  • What is the Rapture, and when will it occur?
  • Where does the nation of Israel fit in God’s Kingdom program?
  • What role will the Antichrist play in the end times, and when will he be revealed?
  • What are the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Great White Throne Judgment?
  • What is the Battle of Armageddon?
  • Who are the Beast and the False Prophet?
  • What is the Second Coming?

These questions and many more are answered in this comprehensive overview of the end times from a biblical perspective. The prophecies of Scripture regarding the end times are not meant to confuse or intimidate Christians. Instead, they provide hope for today and give us a glimpse of What Lies Ahead.

In the Logos edition of What Lies Ahead, you get easy access to Scripture texts and to a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Hovering over Scripture references links you instantly to the verse you’re looking for, and with Logos’ advanced features, you can delve into your study of the end times like never before.

Resource Experts
  • Studies eschatology
  • Offers foundational truths of Scripture on the end times
  • Includes charts, diagrams, and illustrations
  • Getting Our Feet Wet: Why We Study Bible Prophecy
  • Holding on to the Truth: Postmodernism vs. a Biblical Worldview
  • Is There Any Hope?: Dispensational Theology vs. Covenant Theology
  • The Road to the Future: Eschatology in Church History
  • A Promise to be Kept: The Abrahamic Covenant
  • Title Deed to the Land: The Land Covenant
  • The Promise of a King: The Davidic Covenant
  • Perfect Obedience: The New Covenant
  • The Bride of Christ: The Church
  • The Greatest Rescue: The Rapture
  • Rejoice and Give Glory: The Bema Judgment and Marriage of the Lamb
  • Perilous Times: The Antichrist and Day of the Lord
  • When will be the End of the Age?: The Olivet Discourse
  • The Seventieth Week: The Tribulation
  • Arrival of the Messianic Kingdom: The Second Coming and Millennium

Top Highlights

“A central purpose of the Rapture is to bring an end to the Church Age.” (Page 181)

“The remnant principle, as seen in Scripture, is that historically God moves in the minority.” (Page 16)

“A third argument for pretribulationism is that the literary structure of the book of Revelation indicates that the Church is not present on earth once the seal judgments begin.” (Page 199)

“First, let us remember that we should, follow the customary usage of language” (Page 75)

“Free Grace teaches that saving faith is the belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died and rose again to pay one’s personal penalty for sin and the one who gives eternal life to all who trust Him and Him alone for it.” (Page 62)

  • Title: What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times
  • Author: J. B. Hixson and Mark Fontecchio
  • Publisher: Lucid Books
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 364

J. B. Hixson has more than 25 years of experience as a professor, pastor, author, and national conference speaker. An expert in the areas of soteriology and eschatology, he is the author of Getting the Gospel Wrong, The Gospel Unplugged, and The Great Last Days Deception. He is also the co-editor of Freely by His Grace, and has authored numerous theological journal articles. He earned his BA from Houston Baptist University, ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, and PhD from Baptist Bible Seminary.

Mark Fontecchio has served in the ministry since 1977, including 12 years as a full-time pastor. He earned his ABS from Moody Bible Institute and a BBS from Andersonville Theological Seminary. He is currently completing his ThM through Grace School of Theology. Mark is also the author of a forthcoming commentary series based on a grace perspective, as well as numerous theological articles.


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    Dean Poulos


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