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Products>31 Days of Prayer for My Child: A Parent's Guide

31 Days of Prayer for My Child: A Parent's Guide


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Between sibling rivalry, keeping children safe, and teaching their kids about Jesus, sometimes parents just want to scream for help!

Well, help is here. Authors Susan Alexander Yates and daughter, Allison Yates Gaskins, are mothers themselves and know firsthand the worrisome responsibilities of child-rearing. As parents, they also know the importance of praying for and with their children, whether or not they know how or where to begin. With all this in mind, Yates and Gaskins have creatively written a simple book that guides parents through thirty-one prayers about down-to-earth issues they face with their children. Organized by day or topic, this book makes it easy for parents to tell God how they're feeling and to ask for his guidance in their lives and the lives of their children.

From the Back Cover

Parenting can be overwhelming. Putting the power of prayer to work would be wonderful--but how and where do you begin?

31 Days of Prayer for My Child helps you nurture the life-changing habit of talking with God about your family. Simple activities--like recording your prayers and God's answers--encourage you to personalize and deepen your prayer time and realize the benefits of praying for your child.

Read the book through or select the topic you need each day to focus quickly and easily on your child's particular needs. Either way, find inspiration for important issues like

- sibling rivalry
- health and safety
- fear of failure and other frustrations in child-raising
- your child's relationships with peers, teachers, family members, and God

Product Details

  • Title : 31 Days of Prayer for My Child: A Parent's Guide
  • Authors:
    • Yates, Susan Alexander
    • Gaskins, Allison Yates
  • Publisher: Baker
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • ISBN: 9781441244178

Susan Alexander Yates is the author of And Then I Had Kids and And Then I Had Teenagers. She is a regular guest on FamilyLife Today and other national radio programs and lives in Falls Church, Virginia.

Her daughter, Allison Yates Gaskins, is author of Tightening the Knot. Allison has three children and lives in Ligonier, Pennsylvania.


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