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Products>Touching Heaven: Real Stories of Children, Life, and Eternity

Touching Heaven: Real Stories of Children, Life, and Eternity

, 2013
ISBN: 9781441242426


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Children have always been close to the heart of God. It is when children are sick, even dying, that they can suddenly bring us closer to God ourselves.

Children's minister and former children's hospital chaplain Leanne Hadley has been ministering to hurting children for years. In Touching Heaven, she recounts the poignant stories and simple faith of the remarkable children she has been privileged to serve. She shares their encounters with God, Jesus, and angels. And with humor and tenderness, she offers their inspiring testimonies to the presence of God in our lives--even as earthly life is ending.

Anyone who has lost a child or another loved one, or anyone who is currently supporting a dying person along the journey, will find in these stories comfort, inspiration, and hope of everlasting life.

From the Back Cover

Through the eyes of a child, we see glimpses of heaven

Children have always been close to the heart of God. And sometimes, even in the most heartbreaking circumstances, they show us how close God is every day.

Children's minister and former children's hospital chaplain Leanne Hadley has been ministering to hurting children for years. In Touching Heaven, she recounts the poignant stories and simple faith of the remarkable children she has been privileged to serve. With humor and tenderness, she offers their inspiring testimonies of encounters with God, Jesus, and angels, showing us that God is present in our lives--even as earthly life is ending.

If you've lost a child or another loved one, or if you are supporting a dying person along their journey, you will find in these stories comfort, inspiration, and hope of everlasting life.

"In this book of prodigious beauty and power, richer for each rereading, Leanne Hadley has once again proved her contention that children are spiritual beings bearing gifts of tremendous power and theological insight. These humane, harrowing, haunting, hair-raising stories will rock your world. I know I will never be the same again after reading Touching Heaven."--Leonard Sweet, bestselling author, professor at Drew University and George Fox University, and chief contributor to Sermons.com

Leanne Hadley is minister to children and families at the First United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. President and founder of First Steps Spirituality Center, a nonprofit that provides hurting children with spiritual support, Hadley also served as a chaplain at a children's hospital in Ohio.

Product Details

  • Title : Touching Heaven: Real Stories of Children, Life, and Eternity
  • Author: Hadley, Leanne
  • Publisher: Revell
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • ISBN: 9781441242426

Leanne Hadley is minister to children and families at the First United Methodist Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. President and founder of First Steps Spirituality Center, a nonprofit that provides hurting children with spiritual support, Hadley also served as a chaplain at a children's hospital in Ohio.


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