Digital Logos Edition
These six lectures were delivered by Stewart D.F. Salmond in Edinburgh as part of the Cunningham Lectures series. As Salmond states in the introduction, “The present inquiry limits itself to the question, what is the witness of Scripture on the subject? The words of Christ are to me the highest authority, beyond which I seek no other.” Salmond’s essays cover the apostolic doctrine, the Pauline doctrine, Christ’s teaching, the Old Testament, and more.
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“And those who suffer with Him should recognise that their old relation to sin is at an end, that they themselves are done with sin.” (Page 478)
“The doom of these ‘ungodly’ is expressed as ‘destruction’ or ‘perdition,’ the term being the nominal form of the verb rendered ‘perished’ in the previous verse. In that verse it is obvious that the idea is not annihilation, but the breaking up of the order of the old world. In this verse there is as little reason to suppose that absolute extinction of being is intended.” (Page 452)
“ third as the time when the disobedience took place, namely, in the days preceding the Deluge” (Page 483)
“will persecute you, and justify their persecution by reviling your character;” (Page 484)
“secondary and accidental accompaniment of salvation’;” (Page 601)
As it now stands, the volume is by far the most elaborate and valuable treatise that has yet appeared on the vital doctrine which it so fully and convincingly presents. The Christian Church owes Prof. Salmond an incalculable debt for such a discussion of such a theme.
—Presbyterian and Reformed Review