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Flood Gates: Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church


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Sue Nilson Kibbey follows up the Abingdon Press leadership classic, Ultimately Responsible, with her latest experience-based research about how your congregation can make the shift from plateau or even decline – to opening the flood gates of spiritual upsurge. This resource is a practical “how-to” guide for pastors and church leaders who dream about releasing holy momentum in their current setting.

Whatever your church’s history, setting or mission field, you can set the stage to unleash the floodgates of a Breakthrough Prayer Initiative, learn the skills of making an urgent case for change, shift your church’s culture to “ubiquitous discipleship,” identify and deploy new leaders and other key crucial catalysts. All of these have the potential to transform your
congregation into a fearless, Spirit-driven church that will make new spiritual history for Christ in your own mission field and beyond.

Open the floodgates to mission-worthy change in your congregation, creating a spiritual force that moves through your entire community.

Each chapter includes implementation steps.

Author assumes a personal voice, writing as the reader's trainer and coach.

Filled with examples and stories of pastors, leaders and churches who have implemented the trigger points, and what has been unleashed as a result.

It has been shown repeatedly that if these core triggers are implemented and practiced, a congregation moves from being a sedentary, inwardly-focused church to an outward-moving, contagious tool of the message and mission of Christ!

The book is user-friendly, and designed to be used by teams of people as well as read by individuals.

Product Details

  • Title : Flood Gates: Holy Momentum for a Fearless Church
  • Authors:
    • Kibbey, Sue Nilson
    • Palmer,Gregory V.
  • Publisher: Abingdon Press
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • ISBN: 9781501804038


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