Digital Logos Edition
Jonathan Edwards and the Life of God retrieves Edwards’ theology of participation, elucidating the concept of theosis in his Trinitarian theology. This volume brings Edwards’ rich theological work into conversation with the patristic and Reformed traditions (Calvin and especially, Barth), in order to form a more hopeful, liberating, and human version of Christian life. Author Ross Hastings emphasizes that participation leads into the “beyond” of the beatific vision—the glory of God, which is the hope that motivates the Christian life.
With Logos Bible Software, this volume is enhanced with cutting-edge research tools. Scripture citations appear on mouseover in your preferred English translation. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Powerful topical searches help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Tablet and mobile apps let you take the discussion with you. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.
Explore the thought of Jonathan Edwards with the most comprehensive archive of his works available, the 26-volume Works of Jonathan Edwards.
“I wish to make the modest proposal that union is a significant driving force in Edwards’s Trinitarian theology,3 if not its overarching trope, and that his theology essentially tells a ‘from eternity, to eternity’ story of three unions in the Spirit: the eternal union within the Trinity of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit, the union in history of the human and divine natures of Christ by the Spirit, and the union of the saints with God by the Spirit.” (Page 2)
“it is an act of romantic love couched within the metaphor of Edwards’s Bride-bridegroom theosis” (Page 23)
“However, what is endowed are the communicable attributes of God.” (Page 42)
“Regrettably, sanctification is often isolated from the question of the humanity of humans. Many of these ways of understanding sanctification focus heavily on overcoming sin and sinful lifestyles (‘sin management’) with very little attention to what it means to live life in all its richness as a human being made in the image of God.” (Page 14)
“On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you” (Page 23)
This lengthy contribution to the Edwardsian production-line of our day covers a wider waterfront. Hastings mines Edwards on the Trinity and incarnation, the Holy Spirit, justification and sanctification, and the structure and temper of the Christian life, exploring how he positioned himself within the Reformed tradition that he aimed to present. Hastings has today’s multiple Edwardsian debates at his fingertips; he also brings in Karl Barth to help in his assessments, with illuminating results. The book yields a uniquely comprehensive overview, and is very instructive to work through.
—J.I. Packer, Former Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College
While deeply appreciative of Edwards’s Spirit-centered understanding of union with God, Hastings is not afraid to enter into probing dialogue with the eighteenth-century pastor-theologian. The result is a solid, Barthian defense of humanity’s deifying union with God, as well as a warm-hearted invitation for the reader to join a pilgrimage into the contemplation of the love of Father, Son, and Spirit.
—Hans Boersma, J.I. Packer Chair of Theology, Regent College
One of the most interesting developments in recent constructive theology has been the way in which Protestant thinkers have sought to retrieve accounts of human participation in the life of God from historic theologians. . . . Ross Hastings takes Edwards’s thought and examines it in light of other accounts of participation, from the Cappadocians to Barth, showing how this leitmotif fits with other key aspects of Edwardsian theology, such as the Trinity, incarnation, pneumatology, and the order of salvation.
—Oliver D. Crisp, professor of systematic theology, Fuller Theological Seminary
This book is an invitation to travel with Jonathan Edwards on a journey of discovery concerning humanity’s ultimate destiny toward our full humanity in communion with the triune God. . . . Like Edwards, Hastings is a pastor-theologian, who helps his readers to get beyond abstract theologies of forensic justification that result in mere ‘sin-management’ to the relational heart of the good news: the invitation to become transformed into Christlikeness by being drawn into the life of God Himself. This book is an important contribution to the ongoing effort to reinterpret Protestant theology in light of the greater Christian tradition.
—Jens Zimmermann, Canada Research Chair in Interpretation, Religion, and Culture, Trinity Western University
This carefully researched and scholarly volume is arguably the most sophisticated exposition and assessment of Edwards's doctrine of the Trinity to date. . . . This immensely significant monograph should be required reading not only for those interested in North America’s greatest theologian but for academics and students alike who are concerned to think through not only the foundational place of the doctrine of the Trinity in the interpretation of every facet of Christian faith but also its pastoral implications.
—Alan Torrance, professor of systematic theology, School of Divinity, University of St. Andrews