Digital Logos Edition
In this latest installment of preaching aids from Fortress Press, you'll have handy and practical resources for interpretation of Scripture, applying imagery and language from the Bible, and using God's Word to inform the worship service as a whole. This three-volume collection features the writing of three Biblical scholars. In Interpreting the Bible, Mary F. Foskett introduces standard methods of exegesis, as well as current methodologies. Jennifer Lord leads the reader through word choice in sermon preparation in Finding Language and Imagery. Melinda A. Quivik, in Serving the Word, shows the necessity and beauty of using Scripture to guide worship in a church setting.
With this collection, you’ll explore the nuances of clear and effective communication, learn how to effectively use your voice and body in the act of preaching, and discover the strengths and weaknesses of particular sermon forms and structures. These authors also combine excellence in preaching with pastoral sensitivity, and write from the conviction that the Gospels contain not only words of salvation but also words of comfort and hope for grieving people.
At long last we have a preaching series that takes into account the plurality and diversity that so clearly shapes the contemporary American preaching experience [. . . ] This series is the future. It is the more excellent way to teach preaching.
—Cleophas J. LaRue, Princeton Theological Seminary