Digital Logos Edition
The book of Second Samuel, one of the most precious of the Bible’s books, covers a span of only forty years, but these years are important ones, being the central years of the one hundred and twenty years, each of them reigning for forty-year reigns, the reign of David, “the sweet Psalmist of Israel.”
“The two Books of Samuel, like the two Books of Kings, were originally one book” (Page 3)
“Samuel was undoubtedly written by some person who was of the prophetic order” (Page 6)
“This half-pardon was certain to produce nothing but irritation in Absalom.” (Page 30)
“The original unitary Book of Samuel covered around 152 of these 564 years” (Page 4)
These commentaries, written in outline form, are concise yet comprehensive, doctrinally sound and practically useful.
—Rev. John Edward HAO, President Faith Bible Seminary, Queens, NY
These commentaries are brief but thorough. They simplify the difficult passages. These books are factual, not fanciful, in their interpretation of the Bible.
—George A Hern, Pastor, Dellwood Baptist Church, Memphis, TN
Dr. Gingrich's commentaries have been used by thousands. Read and be blessed.
—Dr. Roger R. Clapp, Professor of Bible and Theology, Mid South Bible College