Digital Logos Edition
“I want God, not my idea of God” echoes throughout the words and works of C.S. Lewis, a man of immense imagination who defended supernaturalist Christianity during an era of modern and rational criticism. This issue of Christian History & Biography, the first on C.S. Lewis, explores his journey to faith, his prolific writings, and the people and influences that made him one of the greatest communicators of the Christian Faith.
Due to digital rights restrictions, this product may not include every image found in the print edition.
“Between 1933 and his death in 1963, C.S. Lewis wrote books including the seven volume Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, and Mere Christianity, that nudged atheists and agnostics toward the faith, and encouraged and nurtured believers.” (source)
“Christian history shows that when men and women meet Jesus, recognize His Nature, and then decide to trust and follow Him, they become strikingly different people.” (source)
“The Pilgrim’s Regress: An Allegorical Apology for Christianity, Reason and Romanticism.” (source)
“If Kirkpatrick taught Lewis to think critically—to demand evidence for even the most casual assertions—Oxford introduced him to a wide horizon of ideas. Whereas Lewis’s hard-pressing mentor had helped him reinforce his atheism, a few associates at Oxford forced him to re-examine his belief in a universe without God.” (source)
“During the last decade of his earthly pilgrimage, Lewis’s world was invaded by an American woman and her two children. In autumn 1952 Joy Davidman Gresham, who had become a Christian partly because she read The Great Divorce and The Screwtape Letters, visited her spiritual mentor in England.” (source)