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Products>1 Corinthians (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK)

1 Corinthians (Hendriksen & Kistemaker New Testament Commentary | HK)

, 1993
ISBN: 9781441255082

Digital Logos Edition

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Expository commentary of 1 Corinthians probes Paul's handling of church, doctrinal, and interpersonal issues that remain today. Fresh translation and linguistic notes.

Recipient of the Gold Medallion Award.

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Top Highlights

“Similarly, Paul does not intend to tell believers everywhere throughout the centuries to adopt the customs he wants the Corinthian Christians to follow. What he does stress in this segment is that in the marriage relationship the wife honors and respects her husband and the husband loves and leads the wife. This is the basic principle that may be applied in diverse ways in the varying cultures throughout the world. The principle remains the same, even though its application varies.” (Page 371)

“Resurrection. ‘And that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.’ Translations fail to do justice to the difference in verb tenses of the Greek text in verses 3 and 4. The Greek uses the past tense to describe a single action in the past for Jesus’ death and burial. But for the verb to be raised the Greek has the perfect tense to indicate an action that occurred in the past but has lasting relevance for the present (see vv. 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20; compare 2 Tim. 2:8). That is, Jesus was raised from the dead and continues his life in the resurrected state.” (Page 530)

“‘Love is patient.’ The Greek verb which we have translated ‘is patient’ actually means to be forbearing in respect to actual offenses and injuries one receives from others. It signifies that one is slow in avenging and slow in becoming angry.20 It demonstrates a willingness to take someone’s unpleasant character traits in stride and to exhibit enduring patience. As God is forbearing with us, so we must tolerate our fellow man (compare Matt. 18:26, 29).” (Page 458)

Calvin College, A.B. Calvin Theological Seminary, B.D. Free University of Amsterdam, Th.D. Dr. Simon Kistemaker is a distinguished New Testament scholar and Professor of New Testament Emeritus. He continues to teach required and elective courses each semester at RTS Orlando. He holds a doctorate from the Free University of Amsterdam. His major work, the New Testament Commentary, was initiated by Dr. William Hendricksen. Four of the seven volumes, written by Dr. Kistemaker, received the Gold Medallion Evangelical Book of the Year Award. Dr. Kistemaker has written several other books including The Parables of Jesus and The Gospels in Current Study, numerous scholarly articles, and contributions to various reference volumes, including the New Geneva Study Bible. A past president of the Evangelical Theological Society, he also served as its secretary for more than ten years. His international travel is extensive, including speaking and teaching in various countries.


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