“What is more miserable than a wretched being who does not pity himself, weeping over Dido who died out of love for Aeneas, but not weeping over his own death for lack of loving You, O God?” (source)
“Will any of sound discretion approve of my being beaten as a boy because, by playing at ball, I made less progress in studies that would only lead me to play more unbecomingly when I became a man?” (source)
“Or can there elsewhere be derived any vein, which may stream essence and life into us, except from You, Lord, in whom essence and life are one? For You Yourself are supremely essence and life.” (source)
“There is no doubt, then, that a free curiosity has more force in our learning these things than a frightful enforcement” (source)
“Let him rejoice even thus and be content by not discovering it to discover You, rather than by discovering it, not to discover You.” (source)