Digital Logos Edition
The Code of Canon Law covers all aspects of the visible Church of the Roman Rite. It regulates the administration of the Sacraments, the mutual relations of the faithful, protects the rights of individuals and associations, and sustains the common initiatives of the world-wide Catholic Church. Throughout, it permeates the ecclesiology of communion based on justice and charity that is so characteristic of the Second Vatican Council’s teaching of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.
“Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of confirmation are to receive it before they are admitted to marriage if it can be done without grave inconvenience.” (Page 338)
“can. 204 §1.† The Christian faithful are those who, inasmuch as they have been incorporated in Christ through baptism, have been constituted as the people of God. For this reason, made sharers in their own way in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and royal function, they are called to exercise the mission which God has entrusted to the Church to fulfill in the world, in accord with the condition proper to each.” (Page 61)
“can. 534 §1.† After a pastor has taken possession of his parish, he is obliged to apply a Mass for the people entrusted to him on each Sunday and holy day of obligation in his diocese. If he is legitimately impeded from this celebration, however, he is to apply it on the same days through another or on other days himself.” (Page 176)
“Whenever necessity requires it or true spiritual advantage suggests it, and provided that danger of error or of indifferentism is avoided, the Christian faithful for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister are permitted to receive the sacraments of penance, Eucharist, and anointing of the sick from non-Catholic ministers in whose Churches these sacraments are valid.” (Page 279)
“Only those marriages are valid which are contracted before the local ordinary, pastor, or a priest or deacon delegated by either of them, who assist, and before two witnesses according to the rules expressed in the following canons and without prejudice to the exceptions mentioned in cann. 144, 1112, §1, 1116, and 1127, §§1–2.” (Page 348)