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Products>The Christian’s True Identity: What It Means to Be in Christ

The Christian’s True Identity: What It Means to Be in Christ

Digital Logos Edition

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With its identity politics, numerous gender identity options, “selfies,” and “you-do-you” mentality, society emphasizes individualism, but it seems like people are having a harder time than ever figuring out who they are. The problem is, they are looking for their identity in the wrong places. Are you seeking your identity in relationships, a career, family, race, gender expression, or other circumstances—and feeling dissatisfied? Then this book is for you. Author Jonathan Landry Cruse offers a fresh, sometimes witty, truly radical, freeing answer to the important question of who you are and helps you understand what the Bible has to say about everything you need for a lasting, fulfilling identity that is found outside of you and in Christ.

Resource Experts
  • Examines the union and communion with Christ
  • Offers a fresh answer to the important question of who you are
  • Explores the need for a lasting, fulfilling identity that is found outside of you and in Christ
  • Union with Him
  • Chosen in Him
  • Pardoned in Him
  • Righteous in Him
  • Adopted in Him
  • One in Him
  • New in Him
  • Secure in Him
  • Alive in Him
  • Communion with Him

Top Highlights

“According to one trusted scholar, there are no fewer than 160 mentions of believers being in Christ.7” (Page 8)

“The false ‘health, wealth, prosperity gospel’ of the past several decades is giving way to what we might call a false ‘identity gospel.’ This false gospel teaches that God simply wants you to be content with who you are—in your social circles, in your sexuality, in your gender expression, in whatever. As long as you are being ‘true to yourself,’ you are being true to God. As long as you are ‘following your heart,’ you are following God. Scripture gets twisted or tossed out to ensure that people feel no pressure to conform to any kind of moral norm—they are free to set their own course. So this false gospel preaches that man’s chief end is to glorify himself and enjoy himself forever.” (Page 4)

“As Timothy Keller explains, ‘To have an identity is to have something sustained that is true of you in every setting. Otherwise there would be no ‘you.” (Page 6)

“In The Weariness of Self, Dr. Alain Ehrenberg explains why depression has become the most diagnosed mental disorder in the world: because of increased feelings of inadequacy. That is, there is an unrealistic expectation of the individual to be successful and satisfied, and anytime that is unmet (which is always), people are prone to spiral into despair.5 To state it simply: we put too much pressure on temporary things to give us lasting, eternal satisfaction.” (Page 6)

“By faith, the Holy Spirit brings us into a union with Jesus that is personal, real, vital (life-giving), and unbreakable—a union that can span even the distance between heaven and earth.” (Page 11)

Jonathan Cruse offers a rich and accessible account of the believer’s union with Christ, a vital biblical teaching. Forged on the anvil of Scripture and the day-to-day challenges of the Christian life, Pastor Cruse points readers to life-giving truth in very practical and real ways. This book will assist people in the pews gain a greater knowledge of how God has united them to Christ, from election to their glorification.

—J. V. Fesko, Author, Who is Jesus? and Word, Water, and Spirit: A Reformed Perspective on Baptism

With winsome warmth and refreshing clarity Pastor Jonathan Cruse shows us how infinitely better it is to have God define our identity—in Christ—rather than trying to invent and reinvent ourselves! Instead of pandering to our self-esteem, this little book speaks straight, sobering truth about our guilt and brokenness. But it also directs our hearts to an astonishing reality: God removes our shame and robes us in Jesus’ beauty, embracing us in grace. God’s answer to our question, ‘Who am I?’ gives rest to our restless hearts and replaces aimless ennui with life-energizing purpose.”

—Dennis E. Johnson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Practical Theology, Westminster Seminary California

Dear believer—in what or in whom do you find your true identity? This is a question that every Christian should be able to answer with relative ease. And yet, in our age of superficial evangelicalism, it seems that few believers are equipped to do so. In The Christian’s True Identity, Jonathan Landry Cruse beautifully and skillfully unpacks the riches of the Gospel, powerfully demonstrating how union with Christ—and the benefits that flow from that union—define and shape the believer’s true identity. Spiritually united to Christ, and fully accepted in the beloved, we no longer let the world define us or press us into its idolatrous mold. Now that’s good news that fosters both freedom and piety! Read and digest this book. You will never be the same.”

—Jon D. Payne, Senior Pastor, Christ Church Presbyterian, Charleston, SC; Executive Coordinator, Gospel Reformation Network

Jonathan Landry Cruse is pastor of Community Presbyterian Church (OPC), Kalamazoo, Michigan.


2 ratings

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  1. Kelly Fleming

    Kelly Fleming


  2. Rich Corkery

    Rich Corkery


    The first chapter is worth the price of the book. The rest of the book is identity filtered trough a reformed perspective.


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