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How to Understand and Apply the New Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology

, 2017

Digital Logos Edition

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This comprehensive, conversational book is for anyone who wants to understand and apply the Bible—and the New Testament in particular—in a responsible, well-informed, and God-glorifying way. Naselli is an able guide, walking readers through a carefully field-tested twelve-stage interpretive process that pastors, scholars, teachers, and laypeople can use with benefit. With engaging illustrations and practical answers at their fingertips, readers will master the skills needed to deepen understanding and shape theology with confidence and wisdom.

Resource Experts
  • Shows how to move from genre to textual criticism, take Greek grammar and literary context into account, and journey through the passage all the way to practical application
  • Teaches how to track an author’s thought-flow, grasp the text’s message, and apply the ancient Word in this modern world, all in light of Christ’s redeeming work
  • Explains how to go further in your studies using the extensive recommended resources for every step of the way
  • Genre: Establish Guidelines for Interpreting a Passage’s Style of Literature
  • Textual Criticism: Establish the Original Wording
  • Translation: Compare Translations
  • Greek Grammar: Understand How Sentences Communicate by Words, Phrases, and Clauses
  • Argument Diagram: Trace the Logical Argument by Arcing, Bracketing, or Phrasing
  • Historical-Cultural Context: Understand the Situation in Which the Author Composed the Literature and Any Historical-Cultural Details That the Author Mentions or Probably Assumes
  • Literary Context: Understand the Role That a Passage Plays in Its Whole Book
  • Word Studies: Unpack Key Words, Phrases, and Concepts
  • Biblical Theology: Study How the Whole Bible Progresses, Integrates, and Climaxes in Christ
  • Historical Theology: Survey and Evaluate How Significant Exegetes and Theologians Have Understood the Bible and Theology
  • Systematic Theology: Discern How a Passage Theologically Coheres with the Whole Bible
  • Practical Theology: Apply the Text to Yourself, the Church, and the World
  • Conclusion: Look at the Book!
  • Appendix A: Why You Should Organize Your Personal Theological Library and a Way How
  • Appendix B: Why and How to Memorize an Entire New Testament Book

Top Highlights

“6. Take note of the biblical genre you are reading.” (Page 17)

“7. Be aware of historical or cultural background issues.” (Page 17)

“1. Don’t assume that the stories in the parables themselves are historical.” (Page 26)

“4. Pay special attention to a parable’s historical and literary context.” (Page 27)

“6. Translate the main point into your own context.” (Page 27)

Skill in reading God’s Word serves the sweetness of relishing God’s glory. So choose your reading guides wisely. Andy Naselli is one of the best.

—John Piper, founder and teacher, Desiring God

A truly one-stop-shopping resource. An outstanding tool not likely ?to be superseded anytime soon.

—Craig L. Blomberg, distinguished professor of New Testament, Denver Seminary

An outstanding resource. [Naselli’s book] is wonderfully clear and accessible and hence interesting to read. At the same time, it is packed with information so that readers are instructed in the art of interpretation. There are many resources out there on how to interpret the Scriptures, but this is surely one of the best.

—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and associate dean, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

I cannot think of another introduction to New Testament exegesis that combines this degree of clarity and comprehensiveness, all with the design of helping us live in light of the gospel for the glory of God.

—Justin Taylor, executive vice president of book publishing and book publisher, Crossway

  • Title: How to Understand and Apply the New Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology
  • Author: Andrew David Naselli
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Print Publication Date: 2017
  • Logos Release Date: 2017
  • Pages: 432
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Bible. N.T. › Criticism, interpretation, etc; Bible. N.T. › Hermeneutics
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-12-19T17:46:25Z
Andrew David Naselli

Andy Naselli is professor of systematic theology and New Testament for Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis and one of the pastors of The North Church.


6 ratings

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  1. James H. Schafer
    Every preacher/pastor, young or old, will benefit from Dr. Andrew Naselli's teaching on Exegesis.
  2. Joshua Tan

    Joshua Tan


  3. Phil Gons (Logos)
  4. Seth Porch

    Seth Porch


    Dr. Naselli's introduction to exegesis and theology is clear, concise, and practical. It is immediately accessible to the average reader and is useful for anyone (inquisitive reader, college student, seminary student, etc) who wants to study and better understand their Bible without having to slog through pages of theological jargon and technical discussions.
  5. Daniel Soukup

    Daniel Soukup


    Dr. Naselli's book is a clear and accessible, yet challenging guide to reading the Bible faithfully and applying it to our lives. Many of his examples are in themselves great resources for thinking through particular issues. Each chapter has an annotated list of resources under the heading "Resources for Further Study." These sections are a gold mine of more great books than you may ever be able to read. I've been studying hermeneutics and exegesis formally and informally for over a decade and this book encapsulates much of the best I've encountered in other books and avoids many of the pitfalls. I recommend it without reservation.
  6. Rene Gonzalez

    Rene Gonzalez


    Andy Naselli's book provides a clear, concise and accessible, twelve step process to faithfully exegete and apply the New Testament. Each chapter is engaging and practical. This book will significantly enhance your ability to understand and love the New Testament. I can’t recommend it enough!


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