Digital Logos Edition
In the last century, more studies of the parables were produced than for any other section of comparable length in the Bible. The problem is that most Bible readers are unlikely ever to know of most of them.
In this substantially new and expanded edition, Craig Blomberg surveys and evaluates contemporary critical approaches to the parables, challenging the prevailing consensus and making his own important new contribution to parable studies. Within proper definitions and boundaries, the author defends a limited allegorical approach. In support of this view of parable interpretation, Blomberg not only sets forth theoretical considerations but devotes attention to all the major parables, providing brief interpretations that highlight the insights to be gained from his distinctive method.
Interpreting the Parables can be read with profit by scholars, students, pastors and educated laypeople.
“3. Many parables probably make more than one main point.” (Page 25)
“One of the major theses to be defended in this book is that most of the parables make exactly three main points.” (Page 25)
“2. The allegorical method ignores the realism, clarity and simplicity of the parables.” (Page 36)
“. Allegory is an inferior form of rhetoric, unworthy of Jesus, who instead was master of the metaphor.” (Page 38)
“Allegorizing one detail does not commit an interpreter to allegorizing all of the details.” (Page 24)
Craig Blomberg continues to swim strongly against the tide with his ‘minority position’ in parables studies. I think he makes as good a case as possible for his position that Jesus’ parables are allegories, and in the course of his exposition of the individual parables usually ensures that there are some new insights even for interpreters who disagree with him. His updated discussion of the history of parable research, and his attention to recent developments in parable theory, will be welcomed by everyone.
—Stanley E. Porter, president, dean and professor of New Testament at McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
It is good news when a good book on an important topic gets a new lease of life. Blomberg’s book is lucid, well-informed and reliable, and I warmly welcome this new updated edition.
—David Wenham, Trinity College, Bristol
This book is highly recommended. . . . All serious teachers and expositors of the parables should profit from this book.
—David L. Turner, Grand Rapids Theological Seminary
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Vaughan Smith
Vaughan Smith
Keith Lovelady