Digital Logos Edition
Writing particularly for the searching layperson who wants to explore what the good news is all about, Open Door on John is an easy-to-use and imaginative introduction to study on the gospel of John. Mysterious, enchanting, glorious: John's Gospel is perhaps the most popular… and perhaps the least understood. The author invites the reader to “come and see”; to push open the door to life in all its fullness, and catch a glimpse of heaven beyond.
Included is the full text of John's gospel, broken down into short chapters, together with succinct commentaries on each chapter. The book contains questions for reflection, and notes on how to use it alone or in group study. There are a number of short “interviews” from characters in the gospel – John the Baptist, Nathaniel, Andrew, Nicodemus and the woman from Samaria whom Jesus met at the well. Open Door on John is an ideal book for those who want an invigorating and entertaining Bible study guide.
“We are not just dealing with certain events in Palestine 2,000 years ago: we are concerned with the purpose of God in history.” (Page 2)
“Understanding is disclosed through the ‘Word’. That is how God displays his nature and how he is known.” (Page 2)
“We shall not only hear the ‘Word’, we shall see, taste, touch and smell it. For the ‘Word’ will become flesh and even ‘pitch a tent’ with us (v. 14). Then we shall know grace and truth in all its fullness. We shall even ‘see’ or ‘understand’ the very nature of God as he has been made known in Jesus Christ (v. 17), the one who is in the bosom of the Father (v. 18). This is the great theme of John’s Gospel—perceiving, ‘seeing’ and understanding. He will provide us with a series of clues, signposts and pointers, so that we may believe and know Jesus Christ as the revealer of God and in believing this, we may have life in his name (20:31).” (Pages 2–3)
“Do you want to be healed?’ (v. 6). Has the man become so institutionalized, so complacent with his lot, that he has forgotten why he has come here on a daily basis?” (Page 31)
“Those who want to know God must make a pilgrimage of faith and have their eyes opened to the truth.” (Page 8)