Digital Logos Edition
How did Jesus spend the afternoon of the day of his resurrection? This fictional account attempts to recreate the conversation Jesus had with Cleopas and his companion on the walk to Emmaus. The dialogue follows the pattern of third-day passages in the Old Testament that describe a release from death. It begins, as Jesus did, with “Moses and all the prophets.” Join us on this walk. See if your heart does not “burn within” you as Christ’s suffering and third day glory are opened in the Old Testament, just as Jesus claimed!
The Logos Bible Software edition of The Road to Emmaus is designed to encourage and stimulate your study and understanding of the resurrection. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and to the original-language texts, and important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. In addition, you can perform powerful searches by topic and find what other authors, scholars, and theologians have to say about the resurrection.
The Road to Emmaus: A Walk with a Stranger from Jerusalem is a companion volume to The Resurrection of Jesus in the Hebrew Old Testament Collection (2 vols.).
“Resurrection is thus the culminating ‘born again’ expectation of faith.” (Page ii)
“Any hermeneutic unable to articulate convincingly the resurrection of Christ as the great theme of the Hebrew Bible is wholly inadequate. Of necessity, it is neither Christian nor apostolic in its authority.” (Page iii)
“‘We interpret Scripture rightly only when we read it in light of the resurrection, and we begin to comprehend the resurrection only when we see it as the climax of the scriptural story of God’s gracious deliverance of Israel.’” (Page v)
“Jesus taught that the great message of the Hebrew Scriptures is the necessity of the death, burial, and third day resurrection of the Savior.” (Page ii)
“We saw that there are at least eight large categories of New Testament figures of speech describing life emerging from death which were relevant to our study. These are 1) a birth from barrenness, 2) awakening from sleep, 3) deliverance from hunger or thirst and sickness, 4) deliverance through the waters of the deep 5) deliverance from prison, 6) deliverance from exile, 7) deliverance from a death decree, and 8) rebuilding a fallen tabernacle or temple.” (Page vii)
Warren A. Gage received his BA from Southern Methodist University, ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, JD from Southern Methodist University School of Law, and MA and PhD from the University of Dallas. He is a professor of Old Testament at Knox Theological Seminary, an assistant minister at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, and a member of the Evangelical Theological Society.
Leah Grace Gage is a graduate student in biblical studies at Harvard. She is a summa cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College.
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