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Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? Four Views (Counterpoints)

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Are the gifts of tongues, prophecy, and healing for today? No, say cessationists. Yes, say Pentecostal and Third Wave Christians. Maybe, say a large sector of open-but-cautious evangelicals. Are Miraculous Gifts for Today? takes you to the heart of the charismatic controversy. It provides an impartial format for comparing the four main lines of thinking: cessationist, open-but-cautious, third wave, and Pentecostal/charismatic. The authors present their positions in an interactive setting that allows for critique, clarification, and defense. This thought-provoking book will help Christians on every side of the miraculous gifts debate to better understand their own position and the positions of others.

Save more when you purchase this book as part of the Zondervan Counterpoint Series.

Resource Experts
  • Provides numerous perspectives on the miraculous gifts debate
  • Compares and critique multiple distinct views
  • Includes contributions from a diverse assortment of distinguished scholars and theologians
  • “A Cessationist View” by Richard B. Gaffin, Jr.
  • “An Open But Cautious View” by Robert L. Saucy
  • “A Third Wave View” by C. Samuel Storms
  • “A Pentecostal/Charismatic View” by Douglas A. Oss
  • “Conclusion” by Wayne A. Grudem

Top Highlights

“To maintain the continuation of the prophetic gifts today stands in tension with the canonicity of the New Testament, particularly the canon as closed. Inevitably such continuation relativizes the sufficiency and authority of Scripture.” (Page 44)

“I do question, however, whether the gifts of healing and of working miracles, as listed in 1 Corinthians 12:9–10, are given today.” (Page 42)

“Pentecostal refers to any denomination or group that traces its historical origin back to the Pentecostal revival that began in the United States in 1901, and that holds the following doctrines: (1) All the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the New Testament are intended for today; (2) baptism in the Holy Spirit is an empowering experience subsequent to conversion and should be sought by Christians today; and (3) when baptism in the Holy Spirit occurs, people will speak in tongues as a ‘sign’ that they have received this experience.” (Page 11)

“But the primary purpose of the miracles was as signs of authentication pointing to God, his messengers or spokesmen, and their message, which was the word of God.” (Page 106)

“Virtually everything the New Testament teaches about the work of the Holy Spirit either looks forward or traces back to Pentecost. In other words, what really happened on that day is the all-important question.” (Page 30)

Wayne Grudem is a New Testament scholar, theologian, and author. He is research professor of Bible and theology at Phoenix Seminary, Arizona, where he moved in 2001 after having taught at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School for more than 20 years. He is the author of Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, Politics according to the Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in Light of Scripture, and Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know.


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  1. William Pankey
  2. CWilson


