Digital Logos Edition
Timothy Keller’s Romans 8–16 for You is a personal or group study that walks you through the book of Romans, showing how it transforms hearts and lives today. Designed as an easily readable resource, this text takes you to the heart of Paul’s theological masterwork and offers guidance in applying the truths found there. Covering the second half of Romans, this resource can be used as a guide to the letter, helping you appreciate the great gift of righteousness before God, and as a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you meditate on this portion of God’s Word. Notes are also included to aid you in explaining, illustrating, and applying Romans 8–16 as you preach or lead a Bible study. Whoever you are, and however you use it, this is Romans 8–16 for you. Romans 8–16 for You is designed to work alongside In View of God’s Mercy, Timothy Keller’s Bible study resource for small groups and individuals.
“In short, the only sufficient motivation for the Christian life is gratitude for grace.” (Page 101)
“The moment adoption occurred, several things were immediately true of the new son. First, his old debts and legal obligations were paid; second, he got a new name and was instantly heir of all the father had; third, his new father became instantly liable for all his actions (his debts, crimes, etc); but fourth, the new son also had new obligations to honor and please his father. All this lies behind the passage here.” (Page 25)
“Paul means that everything that happens to us is working out for our final and ultimate sanctification, holiness, and salvation. Everything is working together so we will be ‘conformed to the likeness of his Son’ (v 29).” (Page 48)
“But second, this truth removes general fear and anxiety when life ‘goes wrong.” (Page 43)
“Paul tells the strong not to feel superior to the weak” (Page 149)
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Steven Blader
Glenn Crouch