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The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat

ISBN: 9781577996224
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Two Competing Worldviews

A cataclysmic change has occurred over the past few decades. Our culture as a whole has switched worldviews.

According to Peter Jones, all the religions and philosophies of the world can be divided into two basic worldviews. These two perspectives differ on the fundamental nature of reality. Is everything essentially one? Or does an irreducible distinction exist between creation and Creator?

In The Other Worldview, Jones explains the difference between what he calls “Oneism” and “Twoism.” He exposes the pagan roots of Oneism, and he traces its spread and influence throughout Western culture. Most importantly, he shows us why Oneism is incapable of saving anyone or truly changing the world for the better.

“For bodily holiness and transformed thinking . . . we depend entirely on one amazing thing: the incredibly powerful message of the Gospel to a sinful world, which is the ultimate expression and goal of Twoism. The only hope is in Christ alone.”

Praise for The Other Worldview

A must-read for every concerned American—and especially for every Christian who weeps at the graveside of his culture.

From the foreword by R.C. Sproul, founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries

In The Other Worldview, Peter Jones argues that the ills of modern culture stem from its denial of the biblical creator-creature distinction. Peter has made this case before, but here he presents his most substantial, detailed, and illuminating account of this modern consciousness, from ancient paganism and Gnosticism to such modern thinkers as Carl Jung. In the end Peter shows how the biblical gospel of salvation from sin in Christ provides the only adequate challenge to neo-pagan “oneism” and the only way for us to know God as he really is.

—John M. Frame, J.D. Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary

For over two decades, Peter Jones’s work has proven indispensable for any Christian who wants to understand how to reach the pagan West with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In The Other Worldview, he helps readers see that there really are only two options available for how we view reality; Christianity and everything else. With the rare and enviable gift of being able to make complex ideas accessible, Dr. Jones shows that the other worldview, in its varied expressions, cannot withstand intellectual scrutiny.

—Gabriel Fluhrer, Senior Minister, Shiloh Orthodox Presbyterian Church


  • Foreword by R.C. Sproul
  • A Ticket to Ride—But to Where?
  • Part 1: Coming Apart
    • The Rise and Fall of Secular Humanism
    • Carl Jung’s Dream for a “New Humanity”
    • The Perennial Philosophy—The Origin of Contemporary Spirituality
    • The Sixties Spiritual and Sexual Revolution
    • A Destructive Generation
  • Part 2: Given Over
    • A Cosmology of Radical Egalitarianism
    • Pagan Cosmology of Synthesis: The Joining of Reason and Spirit
    • Salvation by Shaman
  • Part 3: Not Giving Up
    • Christian Compromise with Culture
    • A Whole or Holy Cosmos?
    • Blowing the Mind
    • Gospel Power: A Given-Over Savior

Top Highlights

“The goal is not to recover a 20th-century Western culture, but to preach the gospel clearly in our own time and bless the culture with God-honoring living.” (Page 5)

“While we should desire to understand our culture in order to bear witness to Jesus in it, we must avoid conforming to its expectations just to garner its affirmation.5 Most importantly, as the church, we must call all cultures—and ourselves—in every generation to the rule that judges all other rules—the rule of faith, the law of true freedom, the Word of God.” (Page 6)

“My plea is not a nostalgic appeal to return to the good old days of yore but an attempt to clarify the confrontation between the only two ultimate worldviews—the only two fundamental patterns of belief that underlie how we make sense of the world. I call these ‘Oneism’ and ‘Twoism.’ These terms are my shorthand for what I believe the Apostle Paul is getting at when he describes the heart of idolatry and falsehood as exchanging the truth for ‘the lie’ and exchanging worship of the Creator for worship of the creature (Rom 1:25).” (Page xvi)

“Stop and reflect: The modern view of psychological health is based in large part on a paganism-inspired account of the way the world works.” (Page 34)

“So, what is secularism or secular humanism, and what has it become? It is now known under other names. As an intellectual discipline it is called philosophical materialism; as a social movement it is known as modernity; as a somewhat religious expression it is described as atheism; as a political theory it is practiced as Marxism; and for many people, it is an un-thought-out, default way of living as if God did not exist.” (Page 22)

Product Details

  • Title: The Other Worldview: Exposing Christianity’s Greatest Threat
  • Author: Peter Jones
  • Publisher: Kirkdale Press
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 231
  • Format: Logos Edition, Paperback
  • Trim Size: 5.5x8.5
  • ISBN: 9781577996224

Peter Jones is Executive Director of Christian Witness to a Pagan Planet (a national and international teaching, preaching and writing ministry) and scholar in residence at Westminster Seminary, in California. He received a B.A. from the University of Wales; a B.D. from Gordon Divinity School; a Th.M. from Harvard Divinity School; and a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary. He taught Greek and New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary and was Professor of New Testament at Westminster Seminary California from 1991 to 2003. He is the author of The Gnostic Empire Strikes Back.

Sample Pages from The Other Worldview


5 ratings

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  1. David Anfinrud

    David Anfinrud


    This is a must read to understand today's Modern Culture. We have to seek the roots of what is taking place and understand the different aspects to respond to those seeking answers. Knowing the other worldviews that are a danger to Christianity is half the battle. Responding properly in a kindly manner depends on our knowledge of the Bible and its Teachings. This book is not an answer to everything. But it is a start to open dialogs to express our Faith and path to salvation.
  2. Kaj Lisby Tougaard
    Ah eye-opening and much needed perspective on modern culture
  3. Faithlife User

    Faithlife User


  4. Ed Dingess

    Ed Dingess


    The only way to adopt a biblical worldview is to be regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit. America has never really, as a country, embraced a truly biblical worldview. I think that the notion that it is the church's duty to create a superficial adoption, an external adoption of the biblical worldview is to ask the church to do something that is a contradiction in terms. Jesus said go preach, baptize, and make disciples. He does not send us out to get a country, as a country, to adopt a biblical worldview. If such a thing were ever to happen, it would be the work of God in the hearts, converting a nation to Himself. America has been a predominantly hypocritical nation almost from the very start. She was never a Christian experiment and it is time we compare American history with biblical theology and see just exactly how far this nation has always been from the Christ of Scripture. Just my opinion.
  5. Nathan Parker

    Nathan Parker


    Disclaimer: Faithlife Corporation/Kirkdale Press/Lexham Press (the publisher of this book) gave me a free electronic copy of this resource in exchange for writing this review. Peter Jones’ resource on The Other Worldview is an excellent treatment of where the breakdown in our nation (and around the world) has occurred as a result from moving away from a biblical worldview to a worldview of “oneism” and paganism/pantheism. Additionally, Dr. Jones gives some solid, biblical steps on how to transform the thinking of our nation back onto a biblical worldview and back onto a firm foundation in the distinction between creature and Creator. This book was a major eye opener for me on when and where our society “derailed” (as Dr. Jones would describe it) and how we can begin taking steps to get back onto the right track and the right worldview “train” before our society experiences a major worldview catastrophe. I HIGHLY recommend this resource for anyone and everyone to read. Pastors and ministry leaders need to read this. Students and professors in colleges and seminaries need to read this. Christians need to read this. Even non-Christians need to read this. Our politicians should read this (I have already recommended this resource to my governor, attorney general, and state and national congressmen). Even Donald Trump should read this (if he really wants to know the true secret of “making America great again”). This resource is such a timely and needed book for our age, and everyone needs to stop what they are doing, pick this book up, and read it. I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to have been given a chance to read this book. I didn’t want to put it down when reading it, and I know of no other book on the issue our nation and the world is experiencing in terms of a worldview crisis that is so spot on as this one. I will continue to recommend this book to everyone and anyone I encounter, as it is a vital read for our society today.
  6. Nathan Parker

    Nathan Parker


    Disclaimer: Faithlife Corporation/Kirkdale Press/Lexham Press (the publisher of this book) gave me a free electronic copy of this resource in exchange for writing this review. Peter Jones’ resource on The Other Worldview is an excellent treatment of where the breakdown in our nation (and around the world) has occurred as a result from moving away from a biblical worldview to a worldview of “oneism” and paganism/pantheism. Additionally, Dr. Jones gives some solid, biblical steps on how to transform the thinking of our nation back onto a biblical worldview and back onto a firm foundation in the distinction between creature and Creator. This book was a major eye opener for me on when and where our society “derailed” (as Dr. Jones would describe it) and how we can begin taking steps to get back onto the right track and the right worldview “train” before our society experiences a major worldview catastrophe. I HIGHLY recommend this resource for anyone and everyone to read. Pastors and ministry leaders need to read this. Students and professors in colleges and seminaries need to read this. Christians need to read this. Even non-Christians need to read this. Our politicians should read this (I have already recommended this resource to my governor, attorney general, and state and national congressmen). Even Donald Trump should read this (if he really wants to know the true secret of “making America great again”). This resource is such a timely and needed book for our age, and everyone needs to stop what they are doing, pick this book up, and read it. I am deeply thankful for the opportunity to have been given a chance to read this book. I didn’t want to put it down when reading it, and I know of no other book on the issue our nation and the world is experiencing in terms of a worldview crisis that is so spot on as this one. I will continue to recommend this book to everyone and anyone I encounter, as it is a vital read for our society today.
  7. Dick E Hanson

    Dick E Hanson


    I don't understand why this is: $16.99 when Kindle is $9.99 and Amazon is: $15.53 (prime).
  8. Simon’s Brother
    Note: This title can also available to order in Logos format. https://www.logos.com/product/49585/the-other-worldview-exposing-christianitys-greatest-threat
  9. Daniel Andujar
    Hello there! Can we have some sample pages please?!


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