Update on Christian Counseling, Volume 1
- How Does Counselihg Affect the Counselor?
- Failure in Counseling
- Stress - A Christian Approach
- Drugs and Counseling
- The Practicality of e Sermon on the Mount
- Don’t Apologize!
- Presuppositions and: Counseling
- Getting Organized
- Using the P.D.I.
- Flexibility in Counseling
- Adaptability in Courlseling
- Reminding
- A Basic Christian Vocabulary
Update on Cttristian Counseling, Volume 2
- Do Fathers Make Atheists of Their Children?
- Liberty With a Limit
- Counseling the Disa/JJed
- Is Transactional Analysis OK?
- How to Win an Unsa ved Wife to Christ
- The Use of I Corinthians 13 in Counseling
- Checks and Promptings
- Does the Behaviorist Have a Mind?
- Eclecticism in Counseling
- “”CPs,” “ACPs” and1 “SCPs” in Counseling
Matters of Concern to Christian Counselors
- I Don’t Dare
- Artificial Insemination ?
- More on Methodology
- Don’t Try to Forgive Yourself
- Don’t Forget the Future
- Who Are You Counseling?
- Sleep Patterns
- A Note on Sleep Loss
- Other Factors to Consider When Gathering Data
- Halo Data-You May Be Deceived
- Sorting Things Out
- Timing
- Motivation
- . .. in Hebrews
- Dull in Hearing
- Manipulation in Counseling
- Reconciliation and Relationship
- Public or Private?
- Discouraged Counselees
- How Long?
- Who Needs It?
- Use or Love
- Is Grace “Cheap”?
- Counseling for Discipline
- On the Teaching of Counseling
- A Note on Helping Homosexuals
- Judging Motives: Being Simplistic
- A Test Case
- One Another
- Priorities
- The Human/Divine in Counseling
- Three Enemies
- Church Discipline
- Divorced Office Bearer
- Bad Language in Counseling
- Things to Do
- . . Don’t Counsel
- Prediction
- When Asserting, Assert
- Common Grace and Counseling
- Don’t Try to Love Yourself
- Do You Have an Open Mind?
Top Highlights
“Pressures from without (or even at times from within) may not be avoidable; stress (since it is part of an inner, learned response) always is.” (Volume 1, Page 17)
“Stress, then, refers to any harmful, self-induced strain upon the body or upon various parts of or organs in it.” (Volume 1, Page 17)
“The word describes a condition in the lover that is opposed to all that is cruel or severe” (Volume 2, Page 39)
“what the problem is and what God says must be done about it” (Volume 1, Page 6)
“Stress, like tension, is in persons; not in circumstances.” (Volume 1, Page 18)