Digital Logos Edition
The year 1729 saw a notable step forward in English Bible translation, but it was one that went largely unrecognized at the time. A translation of the New Testament appeared that was the work of Daniel Mace, although it was published anonymously. Daniel Mace, a Presbyterian minister and textual critic, translated the New Testament from the Textus Receptus also known as the Received Text. Daniel Mace, however, made changes based on the Textual Apparatus from John Mill's The Greek New Testament. Daniel Mace was acquainted with William Whiston, who also translated the New Testament and the works of Josephus, and with James Peirce, author of a paraphrase of some of the Pauline epistles. Maces' New Testament was a huge deviation of the day, in that translators would only do word-for-word translations of the Received Text. Mace's goal was to create what we could consider today a "Dynamic Equivalence Translation".
The file for this resource is currently an EPUB. When it ships, it will be a Logos edition.