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The Holy Spirit (Theology for the People of God)

, 2020
ISBN: 9781430080510

Digital Logos Edition

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This book studies the Holy Spirit through the lens of both biblical and systematic theology. It provides a comprehensive look at the third person of the Trinity as revealed by Scripture, focusing on eight central themes and assumptions.

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“The Pentateuch shows the Spirit in three primary roles: (1) as agent in creation, preparing the as-yet empty and unformed material world for its future construction, infusing God’s human creatures with life-giving breath; (2) as agent in judgment, specifically God’s universal judgment of depraved humanity in and through the flood; and (3) as agent of revelation for (a) Israel’s leaders, such as Joseph the patriarch, Moses the lawgiver, the seventy elders and tribal leaders, and even (b) Gentile prophets, such as Balaam. Thus we see that the Spirit of God is spoken of in connection with Adam and humanity at large, as well as with the heads of the nation of Israel. The Spirit is shown to act in various capacities: infusing with life, judging, and guiding.” (Page 15)

“Genesis narrative asserts that God’s Spirit will not always remain, or contend, with humanity (Gen 6:3). The word din (‘contend’) casts the Spirit in the role of judge or one who brings a case against someone. In this judicial role, the Spirit apparently had been contending with humanity before the flood to encourage them to repent, but to no avail. While the Spirit’s original role, therefore, was to give life, the corollary of his life-giving function is one as an agent of divine judgment.” (Page 12)

“Written Scripture is trinitarian revelation, initiated by the Father, expressed through the Son, and terminating in the Holy Spirit, who inspired it.” (Page 309)

“Inspiration is ‘the special work of the Holy Spirit by which he superintended the human authors as they composed their writings. While these authors employed their own personalities, theological perspectives, writing styles, and so forth, the Spirit ensured that what they wrote was what God wanted them to write: the Word of God, fully truthful and divinely authoritative.’[13] Specifically, inspiration is (1) plenary: all Scripture, not part of it, is inspired;[14] (2) verbal: inspiration extends to the words of Scripture, not merely to the concepts and thoughts in the minds of the biblical authors as they wrote; and (3) confluent or concursive: the Holy Spirit and the biblical authors wrote together.” (Page 312)


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  1. Ken McClurkin

    Ken McClurkin


  2. David Anfinrud

    David Anfinrud


    I agree with the author. The Holy Spirit is not mentioned enough we seem to center on Jesus and God. Yet the working of the Holy Spirit is very important for our Spiritual Growth
  3. Tim Mitchell

    Tim Mitchell


    Comprehensive biblical and systematic overview of the Holy Spirit. Helpful reference resource.


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