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Joshua (Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries | TOTC)

, 1996
ISBN: 9780830842063

Digital Logos Edition

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The book of Joshua memorializes a transitional episode in Israel's national history. The heroic figure Joshua leads the new generation of Israel across the Jordan and into the land of promise, conquering Canaanites and overseeing the allotment of the inheritance among the tribes.

However, the book of Joshua is foremost a story of God, who works powerfully on behalf of Israel and Joshua, fulfilling his covenant promises. In the final chapter, it is God who receives Israel's worshipful recommitment at Shechem.

Richard S. Hess explores the historical, theological and literary dimensions of the book of Joshua, and presents evidence for placing the events of Joshua in the late second millennium BC.

In the Logos edition, this volume is enhanced by amazing functionality. Important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Perform powerful searches to find exactly what you’re looking for. Take the discussion with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

Get the full commentary set: Tyndale Commentaries (49 vols.).

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Top Highlights

“There is a twofold aspect to this. God promises the land but the people must take it for themselves. They must fight in accordance with God’s explicit direction and their allotment of the land must follow his guidance.” (Page 75)

“For the Christian, Christ’s promise of his presence to his disciples resembles God’s promise to Joshua. It forms the basis for sending his disciples on their worldwide mission (Matt. 28:18–20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8).” (Page 78)

“God’s grace in forgiveness and salvation and as a means to victory over sin. Like Joshua, Christians do not succeed spiritually because they obey God’s law. Instead, God through Christ enables them to have victory over sin (1 Cor. 15:57).” (Pages 80–81)

“The name describes a special role that Moses wished Joshua to have when he renamed him in Numbers 13:16. Joshua’s earlier name, Hoshea, simply means ‘he has saved’. In the name Hoshea, the person or god who saves is not made clear. Moses specified the Lord as the source of salvation by renaming Joshua.” (Page 18)

“Thus the term could be used in a variety of circumstances but always within a context of God’s presence and support.” (Page 79)

  • Title: Joshua: An Introduction and Commentary
  • Author: Richard S. Hess
  • Series: Tyndale Commentaries
  • Volume: 6
  • Publisher: IVP
  • Print Publication Date: 1996
  • Logos Release Date: 2009
  • Pages: 352
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible. O.T. Joshua › Commentaries
  • ISBNs: 9780830842063, 9781844742615, 0830842063, 184474261, 184474261X
  • Resource ID: LLS:TOTC06JOSUS
  • Resource Type: Bible Commentary
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-09-24T16:44:10Z

Dr. Richard Hess is professor of Old Testament and Semitic languages at Denver Seminary. He is the editor of the Denver Journal, Denver Seminary’s online theological review, and the Bulletin for Biblical Research. He is also the founder and editor of the Bulletin’s Supplement Series and is a member of a dozen scholarly societies. Dr. Hess has done postdoctoral research at universities in Chicago, Jerusalem, Cambridge, Sheffield, and Münster, and has held National Endowment for the Humanities, Fulbright, and Tyndale House (Cambridge) postdoctoral fellowships and grants. Dr. Hess has worked on the New International Version, the New American Bible, the Holman Standard Christian Bible, the English Standard Version, and OurNewBible translations of the Old Testament. Dr. Hess has authored eight books and edited 13 others. In addition to several hundred book reviews and dictionary articles, Dr. Hess has published more than 100 scholarly articles in journals such as Biblica, Biblical Archaeologist, Bulletin for Biblical Research, Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and Themelios.


9 ratings

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  1. Rob Senn

    Rob Senn


    More technical than the average commentary in this series, but not unreadable. Very well researched! Quite thorough!
  2. Darren Bradley
  3. Yen Ter

    Yen Ter


  4. Christian Mölk
  5. jekwang



  6. Joseph Stickney
    I suspect the book of Joshua is a difficult one to get right for the editor of an introductory level commentary series. Much of the first half has interesting events and Bible stories even a child can understand. The second half is often a jumble of completely unfamiliar and uninteresting names of cities, boundaries and deceased kings. It would require a writer with a high degree of technical expertise to make sense of this second half, but this might put the commentary beyond the reach of the layman. This commentary went the second route and while it tries to cater to the lesser student, it is ultimately more of a well executed mid level treatise on archeology and the Hebrew text than a spiritual work. If this were a commentary on the Doomsday book it would have a similar feel. There are extensive notes and many charts that show both the immense level of work that went into the volume and the level of understanding and interest in Jewish geography, both present and 3,300 years past, that is required to understand it. For the pastor and seminarian, this should be a great commentary and is in fact graded very highly on the commentary review sites for this reason. Even for the layman, this is worth working your way through especially if you already own the whole commentary series. The book isn't afraid to address questions of dating and the like though it does shy away from questions of morality that can trouble us in the wholesale slaughter of men, women and children in many cities. As you would expect the first half of the verse by verse commentary on events like the Jericho and Rahab or the sin at Ai is the best part of the book. Since this is likely to be what you are teaching a Sunday School class on, this commentary has value for the teacher.
  7. Matt Krieger

    Matt Krieger





  9. Peter Mark Wallace


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