Digital Logos Edition
This volume is a succinct discussion on the character and influence of Satan on believers and the world. Chafer handles this delicate topic well, using only Scripture to explore the nature of Satan. Chafer wrote this in hopes that it would enlighten believers so that they will be aware of the presence of Satan in daily life. He gives an account of Satan’s history and future, as well as his means of deceiving believers. This exposition will be comforting and encouraging to all who read it.
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“It should be further noted in this connection that this impartation of energizing power from Satan is not toward a limited few who might be said, because of some strange conduct, to be possessed of a demon; but is the common condition of all who are yet unsaved, and are, therefore, still in the ‘power of darkness.’” (Page 47)
“and Satan is the light, inspiration, and power, of all those whom he energizes.” (Page 48)
“The whole world lieth in the evil one.’ It might as well be translated ‘lieth asleep;’ for its condition is not only a fixed position in the evil one, but is also a condition of unconsciousness.” (Page 48)
“the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience’ (Eph. 2:1, 2” (Page 46)
“For it is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure” (Page 46)
No subject was more dear to the heart of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer than the teaching of the Scriptures on the spiritual life.
—John F. Walvoord, president of Dallas Theological Seminary
I welcome therefore this present book on these fundamental truths. Having had the privilege of seeing it in manuscript, I bespeak for it the candid attention of all who are concerned for the truth of God.
—C.I. Scofield, in the preface to the 1936 edition of The Kingdom in History and Prophecy
I am glad of the privilege of calling attention to a presentation of the way of salvation which is certain to lead all who read it earnestly to a living faith in Christ, and then to a constant joy because of the abundant and assured provision of God for the Christian life.
—W. H. Griffith Thomas, in the preface to the 1917 edition of Salvation
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