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Products>True Evangelism

True Evangelism

Digital Logos Edition

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Chafer provides a valuable exposition on the topic of evangelism in this volume. He lays out the specifics of what evangelism does not entail, clearing up any confusion about the nature of evangelism. Chafer then goes on to define what makes up proper evangelism, emphasizing the roles of both God and the community of believers. He covers prayer, the role of the Holy Spirit, and suffering. Chafer addresses this sensitive issue with great tact and grace, showing careful attention to Scripture.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Foreword
  • False Forces in Evangelism
  • Salvation, the Objective in Evangelism
  • The Convicting of the Spirit
  • The Prayer of Intercession
  • Suffering with Christ
  • The Cleansing of the Priests
Resource Experts
  • Careful examination of doctrine by one of the most influential twentieth-century theologians
  • Includes detailed table of contents
  • Written by one of the key founders of modern dispensationalism

Top Highlights

“In view of this all-important Divine preparation for salvation, it is clear that all evangelism, be it public ministry or personal work, which does not wait for the movings of the Spirit in the hearts of the unsaved is insomuch removed from true co-operation with God, and is in danger of hindering more souls than it blesses.” (Page 96)

“The Divine order is to talk to God about men, until the door is definitely open to talk to men about God.” (Page 117)

“The term ‘seeking the lost,’ therefore, suggests a Divine preparation of the unsaved that will bring them into adjustment with the necessary conditions of salvation.” (Page 14)

“Suffering with Christ, then, in its deepest meaning, is to come to experience by the Spirit an unutterable agony for men out of Christ, and from that vision and love to be willing to offer personal sacrifice or endure physical pain, if need be, that they may be saved.” (Page 129)

“This discussion of false forces in evangelism will be limited to three general aspects—i.e., Men, Methods, and Messages.” (Page 15)

No subject was more dear to the heart of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer than the teaching of the Scriptures on the spiritual life.

John F. Walvoord, president of Dallas Theological Seminary

I welcome therefore this present book on these fundamental truths. Having had the privilege of seeing it in manuscript, I bespeak for it the candid attention of all who are concerned for the truth of God.

—C.I. Scofield, in the preface to the 1936 edition of The Kingdom in History and Prophecy

I am glad of the privilege of calling attention to a presentation of the way of salvation which is certain to lead all who read it earnestly to a living faith in Christ, and then to a constant joy because of the abundant and assured provision of God for the Christian life.

—W. H. Griffith Thomas, in the preface to the 1917 edition of Salvation

  • Title: True Evangelism
  • Author: Lewis Sperry Chafer
  • Publisher: Gospel Publishing House
  • Publication Date: 1911
  • Pages: 168

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Lewis Sperry Chafer

Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871–1952) was a Presbyterian clergyman, an educator, and the founder of Dallas Theological Seminary (originally Evangelical Theological College) in 1924, where he served as president and professor of theology until his death in 1952. Chafer was ordained in 1900 and traveled as an evangelist for 14 years before becoming a Bible lecturer from 1914–1924. Some of his most notable students include C. C. RyrieJ. Vernon McGeeJohn Walvoord, and many others.

Chafer authored the eight-volume Systematic Theology, which was the first dispensational, premillennial systematic theology ever published. Several of Chafer’s other writings, such as DispensationalismSatan, and The Kingdom in History and Prophecy, can be found in the Lewis Sperry Chafer Collection (9 vols.). He also served as the editor of Bibliotheca Sacra, which was acquired by Dallas Theological Seminary in 1933.


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