Digital Logos Edition
"Grace reigns," says James Montgomery Boice, "not because God is gracious to us no matter what we do, but because grace has created in us a genuinely godly walk." Volume 2, The Reign of Grace, focuses on the sovereignty, grace, and holiness of God and on the need for holiness in believers. James Montgomery Boice discusses the full meaning of salvation, the problem with suffering, the struggles of sin, and the sustaining love God pours on his people.
This expositional commentary on one of the Bible's most popular books combines careful scholarship and clear communication in a verse-by-verse and section-by-section reading of the biblical text. Integrating thoughtful interpretation with contemporary insight for daily living, James Montgomery Boice explains the meaning of the text and relates the text's concerns to the church, Christianity, and the world in which we live.
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“Isn’t it true that the reason grace means little to most of us is that we do not consider ourselves to be great sinners, desperately in need of forgiveness?” (Page 790)
“We have also been delivered from ourselves, that is, from our sinful natures. The first deliverance (vv. 1–4) is from sin’s penalty. The second deliverance is from sin’s power over us, which is what verses 5–14 describe.” (Page 784)
“All together the word refers to a person coming alongside another to take part of a heavy load and help him bear it.” (Page 888)
“The secret of sanctification is not some neat set of experiences or emotions, however meaningful or intense they may be. It is knowing what has happened to you.” (Page 658)
“We must now apply that understanding of ‘death to sin’ to the other two instances, which refer to us. How? By realizing that, as a result of our union with Christ in his death and resurrection, that old life of sin in Adam is past for us also. We can never go back to it. We have been brought from that old life, the end of which was death, into a new life, the end of which is righteousness. Therefore, since this is true of us, we must embrace the fact that it is true and live for righteousness.” (Page 655)
Dr. Boice's commentary series is a treasure for the church and for her pastors. No expository preacher can afford to be without it.
—R. C. Sproul
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Ryan Welsh
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