Logos Reftagger
Convert Bible references into links with hover-preview
Include references like 1 John 4:19 or Eph 2:8-9 on your site. Logos Reftagger automatically tags them, creating tooltips that appear when a reader hovers over them.
Just place a few lines of code into the footer of your template files. Copy the code from the text box and paste it right before the closing body tag (</body>)
var refTagger = {
settings: {
bibleVersion: 'ESV'
(function(d, t) {
var n=d.querySelector('[nonce]');
refTagger.settings.nonce = n && (n.nonce||n.getAttribute('nonce'));
var g = d.createElement(t), s = d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];
g.src = 'https://api.reftagger.com/v2/RefTagger.js';
g.nonce = refTagger.settings.nonce;
s.parentNode.insertBefore(g, s);
}(document, 'script'));
Read a tutorial
Logos Reftagger is a simple plugin that works with Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Blogger, and more.
Method 1: Install the plugin
- Log in to your Wordpress admin panel.
- Go to Plugins and then click Add new.
- In the search box on the right, search for “Reftagger” (look for the result authored by Logos Bible Software.
- Click the Install Now button.
- After the plugin has been successfully installed, click Activate Plugin. You can customize the plugin by clicking on Reftagger under the Settings menu.
Method 2: Manually add code
- Note: you need to have Administrator level permissions to use this method. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and click on Editor within the Appearance menu.
- Locate your active theme’s Footer template (usually called footer.php) and click to open it..
- Scroll to the bottom, paste the code you copied from Reftagger.com immediately before the closing tag, and click Update file.
- From your Blogger.com dashboard, click the Template tab in the left menu.
- Scroll down to find the heading Edit Template HTML.
- Inside the box, find the closing body tag </body> which appears near the bottom. (Hint: You can perform a search for "/body" in the box with CTRL + F).
- Paste the code you copied from Reftagger immediately before the closing body tag </body> and click Save Template.
- Log in to your Joomla admin panel.
- Under the Extensions tab, click on Template manager.
- On the far left click on Templates.
- Click on the name of your active template.
- On the left, click to open the index.php file.
- Scroll to the bottom and find the last </body>.
- Paste the script you copied from Reftagger just before this closing body tag and click Save and Close.
- Log in to your Drupal admin panel.
- Click on "Site Building," and then "Blocks".
- Click on "Add block".
- Copy and paste the Reftagger script in a new block. Give it a name you'll remember, such as "Reftagger."
- Change the input format to full HTML.
- Save the block.
- Activate your block as a footer block, and every reference on your site will be tagged.
- Use an FTP program like FileZilla to navigate to the folder where you installed MediaWiki.
- Opens the "skins" folder.
- Locate the file for the skin you are using. The file for the default skin is MonoBook.php. Save a local copy, and a backup copy too.
- Open the file in your favorite code editor.
- Find the tag and paste the customizable Reftagger code from the Reftagger page right above it.
- Save the file and upload it back to your server.
- Log in to the administrator control panel within phpBB.
- Select the "Styles" tab from the top left navigation.
- From the left sidebar, select "Templates".
- From the tempalte list, click "Edit" on the currently active template.
- From the list of template files, select the file "overall_footer.html".
- Copy and paste the Reftagger script immediately before the closing "" tag within the template (located near the end of the file).
- Click "Submit".
Using Reftagger with a Content Security Policy
- Log in to the administrator control panel within phpBB.
- Select the "Styles" tab from the top left navigation.
- From the left sidebar, select "Templates".
- From the tempalte list, click "Edit" on the currently active template.
- From the list of template files, select the file "overall_footer.html".
- Copy and paste the Reftagger script immediately before the closing "" tag within the template (located near the end of the file).
- Click "Submit".
Who uses Logos Reftagger?

“We were so excited to discover Reftagger! . . .
the hover and click functions of this plugin are perfect for our site.”
the hover and click functions of this plugin are perfect for our site.”

“Having experimented with each of the available Bible verse link programs out there, we have found Reftagger to be the most feature rich, stable, and easy to use.”
S. Michael Houdmann
CEO of GotQuestions.org
See Reftagger in action on these other sites