Digital Logos Edition
Mormons Answered Verse by Verse uses Scripture to refute the claims of the Mormon faith. This resource provides the reader with biblical evidence in favor of true Christianity and contrasts this with Mormon beliefs.
Are Mormons really that different than Christians? This resource's introduction states today's attitudes toward Mormonism:
For some years the Mormon Church, officially the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has been working hard for acceptance as a “mainline” Christian denomination. To a large extent that is how the general public now views it. We are accustomed to their TV ads portraying closely-knit families who worship together and uphold traditional values, and many Christians can be found playing favorite pieces of Christmas music sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
Then why is it that Mormon's claim to be the only true church and often use the Bible to "prove" it? The answer can be found in Mormons: Answered Verse by Verse. This resource starts with a synopsis of what the Mormon Church teaches and then moves into a subject-by-subject listing of Mormon beliefs on issues such as heaven, marriage, salvation, and women.
However, the majority of the book is dedicated to controversial verses that are incorrectly interpreted by Mormons. The electronic version of this resource is extremely beneficial as any reference to Scripture can be read in your preferred translation with only one click of your mouse.
“The Mormon Church uses these verses to support two of its distinctive teachings: (1) that God has a body resembling our own, and (2) that the Trinity actually consists of three separate and distinct Gods who are one only in purpose.” (Pages 36–37)
“The Joseph Smith Translation apparently puts the Mormon leadership in somewhat of a dilemma. Some of Smith’s revisions to the King James text fail to agree with the same passages as quoted in the Book of Mormon. Other portions contradict current Mormon doctrine. Therefore, fully endorsing it could prove embarrassing, but flatly rejecting it as erroneous would discredit Smith as a prophet.” (Page 29)
“The tendency today in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also called Mormons, LDS, Mormon Church, or Mormonism) is to stress the areas of agreement with Christians rather than the areas of disagreement—especially in discussions with outsiders.” (Page 21)
“Another Testament of Jesus Christ. This should call to mind the Bible’s warning: ‘But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed’ (Gal. 1:8).” (Pages 29–30)
“The fact that Christ had to give up ‘being in the form of God’ to be ‘made in the likeness of men’ shows that the two are not the same.” (Page 38)
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John R. Farkas is a former Mormon and has co-authored other works such as How to Rescue Your Loved One from Mormonism and Mormonism: Changes, Contradictions, and Errors.
David A. Reed is a former Jehovah's Witness and has authored other witnessing tools such as How to Rescue Your Loved One from the Watch Tower, Index of Watch Tower Errors and Jehovah's Witnesses: Answered Verse by Verse.
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