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All the Genealogies of the Bible: Visual Charts and Exegetical Commentary
The Bible contains hundreds of genealogies that fulfill multiple purposes, yet the significance of these genealogies can admittedly be difficult to grasp—In 'All the Genealogies of the Bible,' author Nancy Dawson presents every genjealogy in the Bible in a simple, visual format. Esteemed biblical scholars Eugene Merrill and Andreas Kostenberger supplement Dawson's work with brief commentary on each genealogy. Dawson works with both complete genealogies and partial lists, piecing together names in different passages to illustrate the interrelationships of various biblical characters for deeper study.
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Crossway New Testament Theology Series (8 vols.)
Crossway’s New Testament Theology series provides concise overviews of the books of the New Testament. Covering the major themes, developments, and the relevance for the church today, this series is an ideal companion to the study of the New Testament.
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Old Testament Narrative Books: The Israel Story (Scripture Connections)
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Lord Jesus Christ (New Studies in Dogmatics)
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The Missionary Movement from the West: A Biography from Birth to Old Age (Studies in the History of Christian Missions | SHCM)
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Numbers (The Story of God Bible Commentary | SGBC)
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Hermeneutics: Principles and Processes of Biblical Interpretation, 3rd ed.
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The Substance of Our Faith: Foundations for the History of Christian Doctrine
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