Digital Logos Edition
A companion volume to 101 Hymn Stories, this is an inspiring collection of the stories behind your favorite hymns. The events that motivated these hymns are brought to life in inspiring detail. Some of the hymns included are: "My Jesus, I Love Thee," "Joy to the World," "Trust and Obey," and "Worthy is the Lamb."
This collection of uplifting, informative stories behind your favorite hymns will warm your heart and revitalize your worship. Knowing who wrote the words, what occasion prompted the writing, and how the music was composed that carries the words on the melody and rhythm of song makes these beautiful hymns a more vital spiritual force in our lives. Learning the circumstances around which hymns have been written enables us to love them more. By loving them more we sing them better, bringing greater joy and blessing to all who need the message of the Gospel in song.
The sequel to the enormously popular 101 Hymn Stories, this new volume presents real-life stories surrounding selected favorites hymns, their authorship, and composition. Not only will the fascinating field of hymn lore offer profitable research and study, but it will also aid in an adequate and worthy use of the hymnal. Enrich your personal devotions and your congregation’s worship with the better understanding and appreciation of our musical heritage found in this book.
101 More Hymn Stories is the most inspiring reminder of faith that has gone before and of the value of great hymns.
It is common knowledge that nothing breaks down the barriers between people as do songs and music. When these stories of the origin of the hymns we sing are added, it makes singing even more meaningful, increases understanding, and multiplies blessing.
—Provident Bookfinder
This book will be a blessing to all who read it.
—Mid-American Theological Journal
4 ratings
CJ Walker, D.Min., Th.D.
Eddie Icaza
Denver Race
Bill Shewmaker