Digital Logos Edition
Can your church see the future? According to Jack Lynn, it can! You can not only catch God's clear vision for your ministry, but you can take steps to see it accomplished. "When churches bring clarity to their vision, they see an amazing increase in the effectiveness of their ministry," says Lynn. Clear Vision shows how by examining the successes of some of today's most vibrant, vision-driven churches.
“Here is the point of application: an organization must clearly define both its vision and its values so that people will be empowered to enact the vision.” (Page 18)
“Is it possible that the success of our programs has become more valuable to us than changed lives” (Page 57)
“The recognition of a need does not constitute a call from God to meet that need” (Page 55)
“We cannot assume all participants know what is expected, what their roles are, how we want things to be done, and what areas we sense God calling us to emphasize in our local expression of His body.” (Page 9)
“ is my job to go deep with God, and it is His job to manage the breadth of my influence” (Page 54)
Those of us who have pastored or presently serve a congregation constantly look for a new idea that will give us a boost in dealing with the challenges every church leader faces. Jack Lynn does that; and beyond the boost, I felt a noticeable shove. I wanted to say, 'Okay, Jack, I get it!' So, my colleague, will you.
—H.B. London, Jr., Vice President, Church, Clergy, and Medical Outreach, Focus on the Family
The challenge of clarifying and communicating vision is constant . . . Jack Lynn has done us a tremendous favor by discerning transferrable insights that can benefit us all.
—Wayne Schmidt, author of Lead One and Ministry Momentum