Digital Logos Edition
The Apostle Peter is the obvious spokesperson for the Twelve. He was one of the first men chosen to follow and represent Jesus. Church tradition says that John Mark recorded Peter’s sermons in Rome and turned them into a Gospel for the Romans. Mark appears to have been the first written Gospel because its basic structure is used by both Matthew and Luke. However, because Mark begins at Jesus’ baptism and ends so abruptly, it was the least copied and quoted of all the Gospels because the early church saw it as an abridgment of the other Gospels. The Apostle Peter also has left us two small letters. I Peter deals with Christ’s suffering and is a pattern that believers are to emulate. II Peter addresses the problem of false teachers within the church (possibly incipient Gnosticism). It also deals with the delayed but certain Second Coming of Christ.
“The fall has made mankind’s independence and self-centeredness the goal of life, but now believers must return to selfless dependence on God.” (Page 96)
“The goal of revelation is not information, but salvation.” (Page 283)
“All things are possible to him who believes’ ’ This is not a blank check for humanity, even believing humanity, to manipulate God, but a promise that God will do His will through believing faith. There are two conditions: (1) God’s will and (2) believing faith!” (Page 104)
“‘had spent all she had and was not helped at all’ The Jewish cures for this problem listed in the Talmud were (1) carrying the ashes of an ostrich egg in a linen rag around one’s neck in summer and in a cotton rag in winter or (2) carrying barley corn from the dung of a white female donkey (cf. Shabb. 110 A & B).” (Page 65)
“The definitions of both the Hebrew and Greek terms are required to grasp the full meaning of repentance. The Hebrew demands ‘a change of action,’ while the Greek demands ‘a change of mind.’ The saved person receives a new mind and heart. He thinks differently and lives differently. Instead of ‘What’s in it for me?’ the question is now ‘What is God’s will?’ Repentance is not an emotion that fades or a total sinlessness, but a new relationship with the Holy One that transforms the believer progressively into a holy one.” (Page 10) |