Digital Logos Edition
This volume on the second half of Romans addresses some of the most difficult passages within the book. The power in the Epistle to the Romans is as important today as it was in years past. If Christians today are going to evangelize the world and reverse the losses of the past century we must rediscover the power of God’s salvation exposed and explained in Romans.
“What he is showing them is that the welfare of the Jews and the Gentiles is entertwined.” (Romans 11:13–14)
“The second reason (ch. 10) why God’s faithfulness is not violated by this situation is because Israel’s lostness (their exclusion from spiritual Israel) is the result of their own free choice of law rather than grace as the way of salvation.” (Romans 9:30–10:21)
“This leads to our examination of the arguments for B, which I consider to be the correct view. When Paul says that ‘all Israel will be saved,’ he is speaking of all ethnic Jews who also belong to the true spiritual Israel.” (Romans 11:26a)
“As Stott says, ‘There is no greater incentive to holy living than a contemplation of the mercies of God’ (321).” (Romans 12:1)
“It is best to view this paragraph as presenting no new data, but as simply summing up the main points of ch. 11 with the main emphasis being on the way God uses the salvation of the Gentiles to bring mercy upon Israel.” (Romans 11:25–32)
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Grover Cleveland Edwards