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Products>Collected Writings of W.E. Vine (5 vols.)

Collected Writings of W.E. Vine (5 vols.)

ISBN: 9781418502010

Digital Logos Edition

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Vine is known as a classical scholar, a skilled expositor, and an acute theologian. This landmark five-volume edition includes all of Vine's known commentaries and writings on biblical studies and theology. Some of the topics covered are: The Scriptures and How to Use Them, The Divine Inspiration of the Bible, The Person and the Work of Christ, The Church, and The Second Coming and the Last Days; and commentaries on Isaiah, John, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians, 1,2 Thessalonians, 1,2 Timothy, Titus, Hebrews, 1,2,3 John, and James. F. F. Bruce says: "Mr. Vine shows how great a service can be rendered to the Church by well-balanced, all-round scholarship when it is combined with reverent submission to the Word of God and spiritual insight into its meaning."

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Top Highlights

“True theology rests upon sound exegesis of the text of Scripture, and sound exegesis demands accurate grammatical study. To be sure, grammar alone will not make a man a theologian (pectus facit theologum *); but theology without grammar is like a house built on sand.” (source)

“What is theology,’ asked Martin Luther, ‘but grammar applied to the text?’” (source)

“He who has not learned to tremble at God’s Word is not fit to expound its truths. Simple mental apprehension of the meaning of Scripture is imperfect machinery for giving instruction in it.” (source)

“The prohibition is against her teaching in the public assembly of believers, it does not refer to occasions of teaching others of her own sex, or of the private teaching of the young.” (source)

“To him who thus obeys their voice the Scriptures are a constant subject of happy meditation. His soul is fed by them, and they become ‘sweet to his taste’ and produce spiritual growth. They become his counselor in all circumstances and upon all occasions: his guide in difficulties, giving light to his path; his comfort in adversity, giving him patience and hope; his weapon in spiritual warfare, giving him victory over his adversaries. Storing them in his memory, and so ‘laying them up in his heart,’ he proves them to be a power against sin and temptation.” (source)

  • Title: Collected Writings of W. E. Vine
  • Author: W. E. Vine
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Print Publication Date: 1996
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Pages: 2137
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Theology; Bible › Criticism, interpretation, etc
  • ISBNs: 9781418502010, 1418502014
  • Resource ID: LLS:42.110.22
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-28T20:19:59Z
W. E. Vine

William Edwy Vine (1873–1949), commonly known as W. E. Vine, was an English biblical scholar, theologian, and writer, most famous for Vine’s Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words.

Vine was born in 1873, in Blandford Forum, Dorset, England. His father ran the Mount Radford School, which moved to Exeter in 1875, and it was there that W.E. Vine was raised. He became a Christian at an early age and was baptized in the Brethren assembly in Fore Street, Exeter. At 17, Vine became a teacher at his father’s school, and then moved to Aberystwyth to study at the University College of Wales. He later completed his education at the University of London, receiving a BA and MA in Ancient Classics in 1906.

This responsibility inevitably meant writing tens of thousands of letters between local churches and the missionaries overseas. Many of the letters—beside being of a practical nature—involved answering theological questions. He also wrote for “Echoes of Service,” a monthly magazine that linked overseas missionaries with the Christians and churches at home by articles teaching the Bible and giving news that would stimulate prayer and support for the missionaries. He also wrote regular articles for other magazines, and many of his written works grew out of these articles. Vine dedicated himself to his work with missionaries and was firm in his doctrine and practice. He said,

In the mind of God the grand ultimate object of missionary activity is the planting of churches. . . . The Head of the church who gave His instructions to His Apostles . . . on record for us in the Scriptures, gave therein a body of truth and principles adapted to every age, generation and condition. The pattern is complete, and exhibits the divine wisdom in every part. Human tampering has only marred it in its working. . . . It is incumbent upon all who profess the Christian faith to respect the plainly revealed intentions of the Head of the church, instead of burdening it with doctrines and regulations of human fabrication.

He wrote this when he was an elder in the assembly at Manvers Hall, Bath, a position that he held for 40 years. He was diagnosed with heart disease in 1927, but lived until 1949.


5 ratings

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  1. Travis



    Is it possible to add this resource to my Logos library? The download link is not visible.
  2. Faithlife User
  3. David



    Great collection would have liked a full description of the 5 volume set on Vine. Had to scour the internet, but found it here: DESCRIPTION: W E Vine is known as a classical scholar, a skilled expositor, and an acute theologian. This five-volume edition includes all of Vine's known commentaries and writings on biblical studies and theology. Included are his commentaries on selected Bible books and insights on such topics as the person and work of Christ, the divine inspiration of the Bible, missions and Christian service, the Second Coming and the last days, the evolution theory in the light of Genesis and much, much more. Also included is his self-study Greek grammar, a valuable tool for those who want to study the New Testament books in their original language. Volume 1: The Scripture and How to Use Them The Divine Inspiration of the Bible Isaiah: Prophecies, Promises, Warnings The Leading Themes of the Gospel of John John: His Record of Christ Commentary on Romans Volume 2: Commentary on 1 Corinthians Commentary on Galatians Commentary on Philippians Volume 3: Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians Commentary on 1 & 2 Timothy Commentary on Titus Commentary on Hebrews Commentary on James Commentary on 1, 2, & 3 John Volume 4: Christ's Eternal Sonship The First and the Last The Coming Priest-King Christ the Firstborn The Atonement The Gospel of the Bible B.C. and A.D. The Gospel of the Glory The Twelve Mysteries of Scripture The Church and the Churches Divine Headships in the Bible Baptism The Ministry of Women Leading in Prayer The Mistaken Term "The Brethren" The Origin and Rise of Ecclesiasticism and the Papal System Volume 5: The Divine Plan of Missions A Guide to Missionary Service Approved of God Service Touching the Coming of the Lord Witnesses to the Second Advent The Church and the Tribulation The Rapture and the Great Tribulation The Roman Empire in the Light of Prophecy The Four Women of the Apocalypse The Evolution Theory in the Light of Genesis Spiritism Unmasked New Testament Greek Grammar: A Course of Self Help for the Layman Indices for all 5 volumes
  4. Schamma



  5. John See

    John See


  6. Matthew Dennison
    This could be a really useful resource but it is a pity that the tagging is so poor. Please note that this resource is not a commentary which really defeats the purpose of having it in logos as it does not show up when doing a passage guide. I hope Logos re-tags this resource.
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