Digital Logos Edition
Using the methods described in Introducing Literary Interpretation (BI131), Dr. Jeannine Brown shows how to interpret the Gospel narratives—not with a piecemeal approach, but by understanding each Gospel narrative as a whole. Gain insight on the literary context, genre, and historical setting of the Gospels. Understand how the Graeco-Roman and Jewish cultures combined to create the unique setting that God chose to reveal Himself in. Explore the setting, characters, and plot in the Gospels, as well as literary devices like the arrangement of pericopes and different points of view in the story.
After describing interpretive methods, Dr. Brown applies them to specific passages, providing step-by-step guidance and giving you confidence to interpret the Gospel narratives yourself.
For more studies from Jeannine K. Brown, see Mobile Ed: BI314 Matthew’s Use of the Old Testament: Kingdom and Christology (4 hour course).
Logos Mobile Education is a highly effective cross-platform learning environment that integrates world class teaching with the powerful study tools and theological libraries available in Logos Bible Software. Every course provides links to additional resources and suggested readings that supplement the lecture material at the end of every transcript segment.
This course was produced with screencast videos. These videos provide tutorials showing you how to use Logos Bible Software in ways that are tied directly into the content of the course. We are now producing Activities resources as a replacement for screencast videos. We plan on updating this course to include this additional Activities resource in the future for no extra charge.