Digital Logos Edition
Let the one you've trusted for word studies for years teach you to read the New Testament in Greek! Created by W.E. Vine, the trusted author of the world's most-used expository dictionary, this book is a "teach yourself" course for those who have no previous knowledge of Greek. Designed especially for the layperson, you'll start by learning the Greek alphabet and by the third lesson you'll be reading directly from the Greek New Testament!
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“It has been well said that the Greek language is ‘the most subtle and powerful language that ever flowed from the tongue of man.’” (source)
“Dr. J. H. Moulton wrote, ‘The New Testament writers had little idea that they were writing literature. The Holy Ghost spoke absolutely in the language of the people. . . . The very grammar and dictionary cry out against men who would allow the Scrip tures to appear in any other form than that ‘understanded of the people.’’ The language spoken throughout the Roman Empire in the first century of this era was Hellenistic Greek, otherwise called the Koiné, or the common dialect of the people.” (source)
“The study indeed is important as it opens up the mind of God to us as no translation could ever do. Patience and perseverance are required, but the student who has a few hours to spare in the course of a month will soon make progress, and find that he is experiencing a new delight in the intelligent reading of the actual words by which ‘Men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Ghost’ (2 Pet. 1:21).” (source)
“ ‘B.C. and A.D.’ or ‘How the world was prepared for the Gospel,’” (source)
“feed first-hand upon the Word of God, and give themselves to its glorious ministry.” (source)
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David Istre
David Taylor, Jr.
Rodney Holloman
Richard P. Fritsche
Kenny Bayles
William T. Jones
Robert Graham