God gives us permission to meditatively ponder, even in the midst of our fragmented existence. He invites us to ''listen, that you may live.'' Many Christians are distracted and dissatisfied. The external demands of life grip us, while our inner walk with God becomes ever more superficial and thin. Is there hope for authentic connection with God in a world of distractions, or must we be resigned to a spiritually shallow existence? Reflection, contemplation, and meditation are ancient practices that are losing ground in a highly technological world. Permission to Ponder examines the ways others have accepted the invitation from God to dwell deeply, beginning with ''the Four Marys of the Gospels.'' In the midst of their stories, the classical discipline of lectio divina--praying the Scripture-will serve as a template for praying and pondering all of life.
“Martha was not missing out on the best because of her busyness. She missed it because of her fretfulness.” (source)
“Mary demonstrates a very helpful principle: say yes to listening, say no to worrying.” (source)
“We have more information, but, typically, less wisdom.” (source)
“Doing nothing, just being with God, is impossible when the voice in my head condemns me for squandering time that could be spent checking things off a list somewhere.” (source)
“But one thing is for sure, the deeper I want to go, the more I have to change.” (source)
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Arno J Sandoval
Young Gun Park
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Jesame von Tronchin