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Langham Partnership International Bundle (37 vols.)

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Explore the history of Bible translation and the positive and negative effects of missionary work. Discover the impact of theological education styles on the effectiveness of their students and the struggles faced by theology students with English as a second or foreign language. Gain insight into hermeneutics and techniques for creative preaching.

Discover more about critical cultural, linguistic, and hermeneutical issues with Library of New Testament Studies: 2015 (35 vols.)

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Key Features

  • Explore issues in missions and Bible translation
  • Discover the impact of theological education styles
  • Gain techniques for preaching and bible study

Product Details

Individual Titles

Best Practice Guidelines for Doctoral Programs

  • Editors: Ian J. Shaw, Scott Cunningham and Bernhard Ott
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 66

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

A ‘second reformation’ in global theology is currently taking place. One of the most significant trends within this growth of global theological education is the increasing emergence of evangelical doctoral programs. Written out of a commitment to excellence, this work will benefit doctoral programs, students and supervisors working both in the Majority World and the West.

Bible Translation in Suriname: An Overview of its History, Translators, and Sources

  • Author: Franklin Steven Jabini
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 266

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Republic of Suriname’s heritage of Bible translation spans more than 250 years, yet little has been published on its history. This book provides the reader with a detailed survey of the history of Bible translation across the many language groups of Suriname. Illustrating the difficult and complicated process of Bible translation, it furnishes brief biographies of translators, both national and foreign, as well as the denominations and parachurch organizations involved.

Franklin Steven Jabini is the head of the postgraduate school of the South African Theological Seminary (SATS). He serves the Evangelical School of Theology in Suriname (EST) and the Caribbean College of the Bible International in Trinidad (CCBI) in different capacities. Since 1988, he has been a full-time worker with the Plymouth Brethren.

Can God Save My Village? A Theological Study of Identity among the Tribal People of North-East India with a Special Reference to the Kukis of Manipur

  • Author: Jangkholam Haokip
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 378

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The introduction of Christianity by missionaries in North-East India, despite the positive contribution, failed to provide a sound theological foundation for the people of this region in their quest for identity and liberation. In this publication, the author, a native of the region, investigates the struggle for identity among the tribal people of North-East India and more particularly the Kuki people of Manipur.

Jangkholam Haokip holds a PhD from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland and an MTh from the United Theological College, India. He is a faculty member at Union Biblical Seminary, Pune, India and is also involved with integral mission and social justice projects among disadvantaged minority communities in India.

Compassion and the Mission of God: Revealing the Invisible Kingdom

  • Author: Rupen Das
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 236

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This book traces God’s compassion as it is revealed in the Old and New Testaments, exploring the expression and impact of compassion in the early church through its actions and teachings. Focusing on the church’s responsibility to be compassionate, Dr. Rupen Das underlines the theological and missiological questions central to any discussion on the compassion of God.

Rupen Das has extensive global experience in relief and development and has worked with several organizations, including World Vision.

Connecting Curriculum with Context: A Handbook for Context Relevant Curriculum Development in Theological Education

  • Author: Rupen Das
  • Editor: Riad Aziz Kassis
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 90

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In a pluralistic world where graduates are ministering in greatly varying contexts and cultures, theological education has to be context-sensitive and relevant. It is no longer enough to ensure that students have mastered core theological concepts and truths, have biblical knowledge, and some basic ministry skills. The impact of a theological institution is measured by the effectiveness of their graduates in their specific ministry contexts.

Rupen Das has extensive global experience in relief and development and has worked with several organizations, including World Vision.

Cours d’hébreu biblique

  • Author: Eliette Randrianaivo
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 214

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Ce livre est destiné à former des étudiants de premiére année en théologie. L’auteur a créé ce manuel à partir des cours dispensés par les professeurs Henri Blocher et Bernard Huck. Elle l’a enseigné pendant cinq années consécutives à Antananarivo Madagascar, à l’Institut Supérieur de Théologie Evangélique (ISTE). Les 47 leçons sont organisées autour de règles, d’exercices ainsi que de vocabulaire à apprendre et permettent ainsi aux étudiants d’acquérir une bonne base de grammaire.

Eliette Randrianaivo a surtout exercé un ministère de formation et de production au sein des mouvements évangéliques interdénominationnels à Madagascar pendant une quarantaine d’années (à partir de 1974).

Daïdanso, l’homme et l’oeuvre

  • Author: Ndjerareau Abel
  • Publisher: LIVRESHIPPO
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 111

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Tout au long de sa vie, Daïdanso a æuvré pour Dieu, son Évangile et son Église. Il a été serviteur de Dieu au sens le plus noble. Ce livre témoignage doit intéresser tous ceux qui, en Afrique et ailleurs, s’intéressent, comme Daïdanso, à la qualité et à l’avenir de la foi chrétienne dans ce continent traversé par maintes mutations religieuses, sociales, économiques et politiques.

Every Believer a Disciple! Joining in God’s Mission

  • Author: David E. Bjork
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 258

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

How can we explain why so many of us in our churches are so unlike Jesus in the way we think and act? What can we change in our understanding and practices to facilitate life transformation and spiritual multiplication? In answering these questions, the author proposes an alternative ecclesial and missional paradigm that will enable us to better equip and mobilize believers in the mission that Christ gave to us all—to make disciples!

David E. Bjork works for World Partners in collaboration with Cooperative Studies (CS), a North American NGO that promotes collaboration between members of the international higher education community.

Exploring Parables in Luke: Integrated Skills for ESL/EFL Students of Theology

  • Authors: Cheri L. Pierson, Will Bankston and Marilyn Lewis
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Pages: 204

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In addition to linguistic challenges, theology students with English as a second or foreign language face difficult concepts and different ways of thinking. In response, Exploring Parables in Luke aims to help such students more effectively engage with the literature of their field. As students work to interpret Jesus’ parables in light of his person and work, they will grow in both their English and theological proficiency.

Cheri L. Pierson is an Associate Professor of Intercultural Studies and TESOL at Wheaton College Graduate School, USA. She specializes in Teacher Education, Methodology and English for Bible and Theology.

Will Bankston holds an MBA in Intercultural Studies and TESOL from Wheaton College Graduate School and serves with an educational NGO, teaching at universities in Southeast Asia.

Marilyn Lewis, formerly of the University of Auckland, continues her interest in language teaching and learning through workshops in New Zealand and Asia and through writing.

From Land to Lands, from Eden to the Renewed Earth: A Christ-Centered Biblical Theology of the Promised Land

  • Author: Munther Isaac
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 426

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The land is a theme through which the whole biblical history found in the Old and New Testaments can be studied and analyzed. Looking at the land in the Bible from its beginnings in the Garden of Eden, this publication approaches the theme from three distinct perspectives—holiness, the covenant, and the kingdom. Through careful analysis the author recognizes that the land has been universalized in Christ, as anticipated in the Old Testament, and as a result promotes a missional theology of the land that underlines the social and territorial dimensions of redemption.

Munther Isaac holds a PhD in Biblical Studies from the Oxford Center for Mission Studies. Currently he serves as academic dean at Bethlehem Bible College and Director of the influential Christ at the Checkpoint conferences.

God’s Word for Today’s World

  • Author: John R. W. Stott
  • Publisher: Langham Preaching Resources
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 70

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Nothing is more important than hearing, understanding and obeying God’s Word. Our lives and local churches depend on this for their life, health and growth. John Stott is well known worldwide for the commitment he has to the Bible, both in his preaching and in his living. In this persuasive book, Stott concisely demonstrates the power, authority and relevance of the Bible for every Christian—in every culture and generation.

John R. W. Stott served for twenty-five years as rector of All Souls Church in London. Since the he has carried on a worldwide ministry as a conference speaker and writer.

Handbook for Supervisors of Doctoral Students in Evangelical Theological Institutions

  • Authors: Ian J. Shaw, Kevin Lawson
  • Editor: Riad Aziz Kassis
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 242

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Theological education is a vital aspect of Christian mission. The training of evangelical doctoral students in theological subject areas is therefore an important part of the mission of God. This handbook presents doctoral supervision as a task involving both academic and spiritual formation. Designed to be practical and relevant, and to encourage self-reflection at both individual and institutional levels, it combines theological foundations with educational theory, accompanied by questions, exercises and case studies to develop doctoral-level skills.

Riad Aziz Kassis was born in Lebanon, and was raised up in a devout Presbyterian home. He is a citizen of both Lebanon and Syria, and worked at the US Embassy and Australian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, followed by pastoral ministry in Amar al-Hosn, Syria.

Hermeneutics of Mission in Matthew: Israel and the Nations in the Interpretative Framework of Matthew’s Gospel

  • Author: Bitrus A. Sarma
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 254

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Gospel of Matthew is pivotal in scholarly discussion on the hermeneutical use of the Old Testament in the New. Bitrus Sarma proposes that Matthew utilizes the Old Testament as a book of promise of God’s plan and that Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise. For Matthew, God’s purpose to save fallen humanity is the grand narrative of the Bible. Using promise-fulfillment as the interpretative framework for mission theology, Sarma explores redemptive events and institutions, geography, prophetic ministry, and intertextual typology.

Imaginative Preaching: Praying the Scriptures so God can Speak through You

  • Author: Geoff New
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 178

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

From generation-to-generation there has been an anguished cry from preachers about preaching—there is no imagination! This book explores what is possible when the Scripture to be preached is prayed through the agency of two ancient prayer disciplines: lectio divina and Ignatian Gospel Contemplation. Through the experiences of eight vocational pastor-preachers this study tracks the difficulties, discoveries and delights as they commit to utilizing these prayer disciplines as part of their regular sermon preparation.

Geoff New is a Presbyterian minister in New Zealand. He is the dean of studies at Knox Centre for Ministry and Leadership (Dunedin, NZ), and was the minister of Papakura East Presbyterian Church from 1997 to 2015.

In Academia for the Church: Eastern and Central European Theological Perspectives

  • Editor(s): Abraham Kovacs and Zoltan S. Schwab
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Pages: 168

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Tension between theory and practice in theological education is an unfortunate yet common occurrence, with educators sometimes finding themselves on one extreme or the other. Some academics can be so immersed in high-level theological discourse that they hardly interact with the main questions of the average church-goer, while others are so keen to be engaging and relevant they fail to be rigorous in their scholarship. Learn how to address the tension between academia and the church in this publication.

Insights from the Lives of Olive Doke and Paul Kasonga for Pioneer Mission and Church Planting Today

  • Author: Conrad Mbewe
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 208

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This work deals with the question of the hand-over process of pioneer missionaries to the first indigenous leaders in church-planting missions situations. It recognizes that this process, when wrongly handled, has caused a lot of harm to the work of missions. The case study in this thesis, which took place at the start of Baptist work in Zambia, shows one example in which it was done exceptionally well.

Conrad Mbewe holds a PhD, MPhil and an MA in pastoral theology from the Univerity of Pretoria as well as a BSc in mining engineering from the University of Zambia. Having previously trained and worked as a mining engineer in the Zambian copper mines, he answered God’s call and became pastor of Kabwata Baptist Church in 1987.

La doctrine chrétienne dans un monde multiculturel: Introduction a la tache theologique

  • Author: Benno van den Toren
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 328

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Cette étude demande quelle est l’importance de la doctrine et de la théologie dans l’ère de mondialisation. Elle traite les thèmes classiques de la nature de la théologie, de la révélation et de la Bible et montre qu’on y trouve maintes ressources pour s’engager dans la tâche théologique dans notre monde multiculturel. Ce livre est utile en tant que manuel d’études pour les cours d’introduction à la théologie et à la doctrine.

Benno van den Toren is tutor in Doctrine at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and is a member of Oxford University’s theological faculty. He has taught Christian doctrine since 1997, and is a visiting professor in French-speaking Africa. He has lived in the Netherlands, the Central African Republic, Canada, and England, and has written books in English, French, and Dutch.

Le défi de la prédication: Transmettre la Parole de Dieu dans le Monde d’ Aujourd’hui

  • Author: John R. W. Stott
  • Publisher: Langham Preaching Resources
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 152

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

John Stott (1921–2011) fut l’un des plus grands prédicateurs bibliques de notre temps. Dans cet ouvrage important, il réfléchit aux principes qui animent une saine prédication et propose des conseils pratiques pour le prédicateur. Il insiste sur la nécessité d’une écoute attentive non seulement de la Parole de Dieu mais aussi du monde contemporain. Et il exhorte le prédicateur à mener une vie conforme à sa prédication.

John R. W. Stott served for twenty-five years as rector of All Souls Church in London. Since then he has carried on a worldwide ministry as a conference speaker and writer.

Le ministére de « berger » dans les Églises protestantes de Madagascar, Fifohazana et Réforme dans le protestantisme

  • Author: Seth Andriamanalina Rasolondraibe
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 492

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Les mouvements de Réveil ou le « ministère des mpiandry » (le premier initié par Rainisoalambo en 1894) existent aujourd’hui dans la plupart des Églises protestantes historiques de Madagascar, inspirant et influençant profondément leurs vies et leurs ministères. Ces mouvements ont toujours engendré des tensions et des conflits entre eux et les institutions protestantes. Cet ouvrage examine les différents aspects de ces conflits et s’intéresse également à l’apparition du « ministère de berger » que les mouvements de Réveil ont engendré.

Mission Drift? Exploring a Paradigm Shift in Evangelical Mission with Particular Reference to Microfinance

  • Author: Oddvar Sten Ronsen
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 128

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Lausanne congress of 1974 marked the widespread adoption of integral mission as essential to the evangelical witness of Christ in our world. Ever since there has been ongoing debate as to the roles of evangelism and social action. Oddvar Sten Ronsen argues that instead of the priority of evangelism over social action there should be the anticipation of evangelism as a result of social action.

Oddvar Sten Ronsen is an international consultant in Christian integral mission related to microfinance. He holds an MTh in theology from London School of Theology, an MSc in business studies from Warwick University and a BA (Hons) in economics from Manchester University. Prior to his theological studies and engagements in Christian mission, he held senior management positions in industry, government and financial institutions.

Mission Partnership in Creative Tension: An Analysis of the Relationships in Mission within the Evangelical Movement with Special Reference to Peru and Britain between 1987 and 2006

  • Author: Samuel Cueva
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 500

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Samuel Cueva has refined his concept of ‘partnership in mission’ by advocating the use of reciprocal contextual collaboration in this important contribution to scholarly reflection on contemporary missiology. Referencing historical, theological and functional aspects of how mission has been carried out, as well as analyzing it’s impact on the evangelical movement, the author identifies that mission always develops with positive and negative tensions.

Samuel Cueva holds a PhD in theology from Trinity Saint David, University of Wales and an MA in mission studies from the University of Birmingham, UK. Samuel was born in the highlands of Peru and is the ninth of ten siblings. His father Juan was the founder of the first indigenous mission society in Peru in 1946, and from childhood Samuel has been directly influenced by Latin American mission theology thanks to his father. He has worked as a missionary in Spain and in the United Kingdom for more than twenty years. Samuel is married to Noemi and they have two children.

Mission without Conquest: An Alternative Missionary Practice

  • Author: Willis Horst , Ute Paul, Frank Paul
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 280

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Almost sixty years ago, the Mennonite missionary team working in the Argentine Chaco decided to look for ways to be effective in their ministry while being faithful to Jesus’ lifestyle and teaching. They left behind paternalistic models and “conquering” methods and were liberated from the mindset of forming a denominational church. As a result, they found an alternative missionary style of walking alongside those they worked with, giving priority to the integrity of the local people.

Nous sommes tous disciples! Participer a la mission de Dieu

  • Author: David E. Bjork
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 266

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

La croissance du christianisme ces dernières décennies a été remarquable, mais s’agit-il d’une croissance en profondeur? Est-ce que nos communautés de foi, nos églises, font et encouragent des disciples de Jésus profondément engagés ? Ce livre est né de la réalisation que les églises à travers le monde, malgré leurs nombreux programmes d’évangélisation et activités, ne produisent qu’un petit nombre de véritables disciples de Jésus.

David E. Bjork works for World Partners in collaboration with Cooperative Studies (CS), a North American NGO that promotes collaboration between members of the international higher education community.

Paul’s Viewpoint on God, Israel, and the Gentiles in Romans 9–11: An Intertextual Thematic Analysis

  • Author: Xiaxia E. Xue
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 320

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Over the years Romans 9–11 has been investigated from a variety of approaches, with one of the most prominent being an intertextual reading. However, most discussions of intertextual studies on this section of Romans fail to adequately address Paul’s discourse patterns and that of his Jewish contemporaries with regard to God, Israel, and the Gentiles. Adapting Lemke’s linguistic intertextual thematic theory, this study uses a methodological control to analyze the discourse patterns in Romans 9–11.

Prêcher 2 Timothée: Des plans de sermons pour la deuxleme lettre de Paul a Timothee

  • Author: David Sprouse
  • Publisher: Langham Preaching Resources
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 112

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Prier-Préparer-Prêcher est une série de guides destinés à aider des enseignants de la Bible à travers le monde à expliquer la Parole de Dieu avec clarté et précision. Paul exhorte Timothée à être un « ouvrier qui n’a pas à avoir honte, exposant justement la parole de la vérité » (2 Timothée 2:15).

Prêcher la grande histoire de Dieu: Des Plans de Sermons Pour un Survol de la Bible

  • Author: Philip Crowter
  • Publisher: Langham Preaching Resources
  • Publication Date: 2012
  • Pages: 96

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Prêcher la grande histoire de Dieu propose bien plus que « des plans de sermons pour un survol de la Bible ». C’est un petit guide pour apprendre à prêcher fidèlement la Bible. Prier-Préparer-Prêcher est une nouvelle série de guides destinés à aider des enseignants de la Bible à travers le monde à expliquer la Parole de Dieu avec clarté et précision.

Prêcher Marc: Des plans de sermons pour l’Evangile de Marc

  • Author: Philip Crowter
  • Publisher: Langham Preaching Resources
  • Publication Date: 2013
  • Pages: 166

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Prier-Préparer-Prêcher est une nouvelle série de guides destinés à aider des enseignants de la Bible à travers le monde à expliquer la Parole de Dieu avec clarté et précision. Dans ce livre, nous trouverez des aides pour comprendre la leçon principale d’un passage biblique, réfléchir à l’importance et à l’utilité de cette parole pour vos auditeurs et enseigner clairement les leçons du texte biblique.

Reading Romans at Ground Level: A Contemporary Rural African Perspective

  • Author: Jonathan D. Groves
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 126

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Many pastors in the provincial towns and rural villages of Malawi struggle to find practical relevance in the letter to the Romans. While the majority of church leaders have received little or no formal Bible and ministry training, they often face formidable challenges from African traditional practices, folk Islam, poverty and poor education—creating barriers to authentic Christian discipleship. Reading Romans at Ground Level uses field research to characterize pastoral ministry in provincial-rural Malawi.

Jonathan D. Groves is a founding trustee and the mission director of The Kerusso Trust, a UK-based mission charity that supports Christian education in rural Malawi. Dr Groves also serves under The Kerusso Trust as a part-time training consultant and missionary Bible teacher in Malawi.

Responsibility, Chastisement and Restoration: Relational Justice in the Book of Hosea

  • Author: Ronald Laldinsuah
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 362

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Neglect of the book of Hosea in relation to justice arises from the common notion that he was a prophet of love, and although some studies concede that parts of the book deal with justice, it is often overlooked or given secondary importance to other concerns and themes. Ronald Laldinsuah addresses this misconception by demonstrating that Hosea was indeed a prophet of justice, and observes both the biblical concept and the secular notions of justice it is observed that justice must perpetuate right and true relationships. In ‘relational justice’ we see the inseparable relationship among humans, and between humans and God—emphasizing Hosea’s message of responsibility, chastisement and restoration.

Ronald Laldinsuah is lecturer in Old Testament at Myanmar Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (MEGST), Yangon. He is also the founding pastor of Hlainthayar Biblical Presbyterian Church, Yangon. He completed his PhD at the Australian College of Theology, through Ridley College, Melbourne and holds an MTh in Old Testament from SAIACS, India and an MDiv from MEGST.

Seeing the Face of God: Exploring an Old Testament Theme

  • Author: Satyavani Puttagunta
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Pages: 300

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The expression the “face of God” is a familiar one to Bible scholars and its meaning has long been a point of disagreement, especially in its use with the verb “to see”. While some scholars dismissed the expression as merely a metaphor with little significance, others have compared it to the ‘face” of gods and goddesses of the ANE religious context, where worshippers sought an audience with their ‘divine’ king. Scrutinizing previous scholarship and based on careful exegesis of several crucial passages in the Penteteuch, this publication presents the motif “seeing the face of God” in an entirely new context of divine self-revelation.

Satyavani Puttagunta, a native of Andhra Pradesh, India, formally trained as a science teacher but later received her Masters in theology from Union Biblical Seminary, India. She holds an MLitt from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland and received her PhD from Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Serving Communities: Governance and the Potential of Theological Schools

  • Author: Jason Ferenczi
  • Editor: Riad Aziz Kassis
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 264

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The contexts in which theological schools operate is changing rapidly, presenting CEOs, administrators, faculty, and governing bodies with new challenges. How can theological schools adapt to these changing contexts while maintaining missional clarity? What role do each of these groups of actors play in this process? This publication describes the experience of four theological schools and presents some practical suggestions for how they can adapt in dynamic environments.

Riad Aziz Kassis was born in Lebanon, and was raised up in a devout Presbyterian home. He is a citizen of both Lebanon and Syria, and worked at the US Embassy and Australian Embassy in Damascus, Syria, followed by pastoral ministry in Amar al-Hosn, Syria.

The Church in the World: A Historical-Ecclesiological Study of the Church of Uganda with Particular Reference to Post-Independence Uganda, 1962–1992

  • Author: David Zac Niringiye
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 456

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Historically, studies of the church in Africa have tended to focus on church history or church-state relations, but in this publication David Zac Niringiye presents a study of the Church of Uganda focused on its ecclesiology. Niringiye examines several formative periods for the Church of Uganda during concurrent chronological political eras characterized by varying degrees of socio-political turbulence, highlighting how the social context impacted the church’s self-expression.

David Zac Niringiye is the retired assistant bishop of the diocese of Kampala, Church of Uganda. Currently a fellow in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Uganda Christian University, he has a distinguished career as a theologian, mission leader, pastor, HIV and AIDS activist, and organizational development consultant. Called "the foremost evangelical Christian thinker/theologian today," Niringiye teaches at churches and conferences in Africa, Europe and North American while continuing his work of peace and social-political justice in Uganda.

The Future of Humanity: Preaching from Revelation 4 to 22

  • Author: Murray Robertson
  • Publisher: Langham Preaching Resources
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 152

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The thought of preaching or teaching on the book of Revelation can be extremely daunting. Compared to the straightforward narrative of the Gospels or the New Testament letters, Revelation seems confusing to understand and difficult or even impossible to apply to a particular situation. In this book, Murray Robertson breaks down Revelation 4 to 22 so that the concept, context, tone and contemporary message can be fully realized by those reading and preaching this apocalyptic text. Containing questions for discussion at the end of every chapter and a few sample sermon outlines, this is a very practical handbook for anyone committed to authentic biblical preaching.

Murray Robertson was the pastor of Spreydon Baptist Church in Christchurch, New Zealand for 40 years. Together with his wife Marj they saw a struggling congregation grow to a church with a strong commitment to Biblical preaching, spiritual renewal and mission both at home and globally.

The Theology of the Land in Amos 7–9

  • Author: Robert Khua Hnin Thang
  • Publisher: Langham Monographs
  • Publication Date: 2014
  • Pages: 260

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In the book of Amos the language about land is used extensively, including terms and ideas such as Zion, YHWH’s bringing of Israel into the land, references to various sanctuaries and places, harvest and famine, the relationship between the northern kingdom and Judah, and references to the land of other nations. However this subject of the land has never been studied as a theological topic in its own right, but only as part of other themes. This work follows a synchronic reading of Amos and employing textual, literary and historical criticism the author carries out a careful theological analysis of the land.

Robert Khua Hnin Thang holds a PhD from the Univeristy of Gloucestershire, England, a ThM from Torch Trinity Graduate University, Seoul, South Korea, an MDiv from Myanmar Institute of Theology, Yangon, Myanmar, a BTh from Chin Christian Institute of Theology (formerly Zomi Theological College), Falam, Myanmar and a BA (Q) from UDE, Yangon, Myanmar. Robert is currently pastor at Hlei Bik Memorial Baptist Church and academic dean at the Bethel Theological Seminary in Kalaymyo, Myanmar.

Thinking Biblically about Islam: Genesis, Transfiguration, Transformation

  • Author: Ida Glaser and Hannah Kay
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 346

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In this careful double exposition of the Bible and Islam, Ida Glaser and Hannah Kay emphasize godly attitudes, loving action and a deep appreciation of God’s grace and goodness as essential traits of any Christian. The authors walk the reader through two underlying frameworks necessary to think biblically about Islam. Examining the themes of the land, zeal, law and the cross in Luke’s Gospel and the Old Testament stories of Moses and Elijah, we are led to better understand the Bible, Islam and God’s heart towards Muslims.

Ida Glaser is academic director at the Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford. She is on the consultant staff of Crosslinks with whom she has been with since 1992. Ida has taught widely at post-graduate level on Islam, mission and comparative religion in cross-cultural settings in the UK, India, Nigeria, Jamaica and the Philippines.

Transformer la formation théologique: Un manuel pratique pour un apprentissage integral et contextuel

  • Author: Perry Shaw
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2015
  • Pages: 360

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Depuis plusieurs décennies, les institutions de formation des pays émergents désirent évoluer vers une meilleure intégration pédagogique et une pertinence contextuelle dans la conception des programmes d’études théologiques. On assiste en outre à une prise de conscience croissante du rôle que devraient jouer les facultés de théologie dans la vision et la pratique des églises locales.

Perry Shaw, docteur en sciences de l’éducation (Asia Graduate School of Theology Alliance) est professeur en formation chrétienne et directeur des études suppléant au Séminaire baptiste arabe à Beyrouth, au Liban. M. Shaw est consultant en développement de programmes et de professeurs auprès des facultés de théologie et des ministères régionaux à travers le Moyen-Orient, l’Asie, l’Afrique, l’Europe et l’Amérique latine. Il est actif dans le mouvement dit de formation théologique missionnelle au sein du Conseil international pour la formation théologique évangélique (ICETE), et également conférencier invité par plusieurs séminaires de formation organisés par l’Overseas Council. Perry et sa famille habitent au Moyen-Orient depuis 1990 et sont engagés dans des ministères variés auprès des Églises et facultés de théologie.

Understanding and Developing Theological Education

  • Author: Bernhard Ott
  • Publisher: Langham Global Library
  • Publication Date: 2016
  • Pages: 474

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Historically education has been driven from behind—the history, and above—the educational institution. Traditions and adherence requirements have led to inflexible models of school leadership that are focused on administration and rife with educational politics. In contrast, today’s theological landscape needs institutions with a grassroots-driven educational system, looking to a future that is biblically and theologically grounded. This publication, an English translation from the original German focuses on the leadership and curriculum development required for such a paradigm shift. Written primarily for those in leadership roles at theological schools and training institutions, this handbook is an essential resource for equipping the next generation of leaders in theological education.


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