A significant life has positive meaning and value beyond individual success. It means contributing to the lives of others and showing compassion. In this book, Jack McDowell shares the six keys to a life of significance: Find your calling, learn from your experiences, acquire habits that build character, discover the joy of generosity, build relationships for life, and don't retire. Each chapter contains specific actions that will help readers master the six essentials. These steps are the harvest of Jack's own experiences and they are, he says, "the gifts of a providential God to this seeker after a life with deeper and more lasting meaning."
Giving is man's God-ordained purpose. This book will provide encouragement and resources for the journey to a more significant life. It is a personal invitation to discover that there is far more to life than just making a living.
Jack C. McDowell was born in Hollywood, California, during the depth of the great depression. He served The Salvation Army for thirty-eight years, devoting his life to the organization's financial needs and dedicated officers. In 2005, Jack endowed and sponsored the opening of The Salvation Army's School for Leadership Development, whose purpose is to build spiritually motivated leaders and equip them with the resources and skills to complete their mission with The Salvation Army.