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Products>The Spirit-Filled Family

The Spirit-Filled Family

ISBN: 9781418502997

Digital Logos Edition

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Just as God's promise of an eternal home raises joy and anticipation, so should our family relationships on earth. This guide offers practical help on building a strong spiritual family that is a comfort and support to each member's walk with God.

Top Highlights

“Marriage is not based on love; it’s based on the will of God.” (source)

“Understanding God’s intent to redeem marriages and families back to His original plan is essential to our understanding of how to live within God-ordained relationships.” (source)

“It does assign husbandly responsibility for leadership in the marriage relationship.” (source)

“not for gaining control of others or for serving our own interests” (source)


2 ratings

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  1. Jeremy



    What a great study guide (for me)! I highly recommend this book for study in the following areas of interest: pre-marital, marriage, family guidelines (role of the husband, wife, and children, parenting, and more. These topics are obviously not dealt with in depth or exhaustively, but the study touches on them with great flow that keeps you wanting more. I have enjoyed the Scriptures references, correlations, and application questions. The Spirit-Filled Family: Holy Wisdom to Build Happy Homes has been a great weekly devotional and study guide for me. My personal appreciation story… My grandpa passed down to me a set of Jack Hayford’s Spirit-Filled Life Study Guides as well as the Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible after I graduated high school. I set the guides aside with the intention of using them, but they were forgotten. I got married, life moved on, and then we moved time and again, which meant the study guides ended up in a box and stored away; and with each move they remained in boxes. Until…15 years into marriage at age 38 with 6 children ages 3 to 14 I found myself fighting for my marriage and looking for answers. I was messing around in my workshop and found several boxes of family photos and next to it the books my Grandpa gave me many years earlier. I thumbed through the various study guide titles and my eye caught the title “The Spirit-Filled Family: Holy Wisdom to Build Happy Homes”. Of course, my first thought was ‘Am I too late to go through this?’. And then I thought ‘Lord, I’d like to have a godly family. I want to be the man, husband, & father You want me to be. Teach me!’. So, I quickly decided that I believed God led me to this book and I was determined to go through it no matter what. I am very glad I did as I have learned so much while moving slowly through each page. I am taking my time so that I can really grasp, understand, and apply the principles taught through the study. In the past 6 months, I have digested, pondered, & interacted (written responses, prayed about, given intentional personal application, & cross-referenced with relevant Scriptures, study bible notes, commentaries, and the newly discovered Sermonaudio.com integration in Logos) along with the book. In fact, looking for a digital copy of this guide was how I re-discovered Logos Bible Software and decided to figure out how to use it. *I have been a heavy OliveTree user since Palm Pilot days, but they didn’t have the SFL guides and so now I currently use both for my digital study needs. This study has helped me keep things in perspective during this difficult time. To God be the glory! I hope this comment is helpful to someone. Thank you Logos for making this resource available! P.S. Another highly recommended study (and the only other one I’ve gone through so far) is People of the Covenant: God’s New Covenant for Today”.
  2. Private



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