Few of us are superheroes. Most of us are plain ordinary. In spite of this fact God continues to throw the impossible in our direction and, invariably, we shout back 'I can't!' Yet we discover this is the best background against which God can 'do immeasurably more than we can even ask or think' as the apostle Paul put it.
'When We Can't, God Can' sets side by side the stories of men and women from both the biblical narrative and today who said 'I can't', only to go on to accomplish great things for the God who declares his strength to be made perfect in weakness.
Catherine's particular gift is to encourage, and to provide connections between the experience of biblical characters and life today.
Stories from the Bible, and from today, of believers who said 'I can't', only to discover that God can.
Preface 8
God is Able…
When I Walk in Darkness 11
When the Task is Too Great 55
When Life Devastates 87
When Our Skills are Inadequate 123
When My Life is Not My Own 161
A Note from the Author 191