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Products>Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth

Biblical Doctrine: A Systematic Summary of Bible Truth

, 2017
ISBN: 9781433545917

Digital Logos Edition

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Print list price: $60.00
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Develop a solid biblical foundation for your faith! Hailed as one of today’s most gifted expositors, MacArthur presents a systematic overview of major Christian beliefs. Deepen your understanding of doctrines pertaining to God’s Word, each person of the Trinity, humanity and sin, salvation, angels, the church, and the future of the world.

Resource Experts

Key Features

  • Contains teaching from one of America's most gifted expositors
  • Provides practical and personal application of theological doctrines
  • Covers the major topics in systematic theology


  • Analytical Outline
  • List of Hymns
  • Preface
  • List of Abbreviations
  • Introduction (Prolegomena)
  • The Doctrine of God's Word (Bibliology)
  • The Doctrine of God the Father (Theology Proper)
  • The Doctrine of God the Son (Christology)
  • The Doctrine of God the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology)
  • The Doctrine of Man and Sin (Anthropology/Hamartiology)
  • The Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology)
  • The Doctrine of Angels (Angelology)
  • The Doctrine of the Church (Ecclesiology)
  • The Doctrine of the Future (Eschatology)
  • Appendix A: The Progress of Revelation
  • Basic Glossary
  • General Bibliography
  • About the Authors
  • Final Hymn of Reflection
  • General Index
  • Scripture Index

Top Highlights

“Psalm 119:130; Ephesians 1:18–19; and 1 John 2:27.” (Page 54)

“Christian theology is the study of the divine revelation in the Bible. It has God as its perpetual centerpiece, God’s Word as its source, and godliness as its aim.” (Page 34)

“In light of these factors we offer this short definition of sin: Sin is any lack of conformity to God’s will in attitude, thought, or action, whether committed actively or passively. The center of all sin is autonomy, which is the replacing of God with self. Always closely associated with sin are its products—pride, selfishness, idolatry, and lack of peace (shalom).” (Page 454)

“God uses special revelation when he reveals himself directly and in greater detail. God has done this through (1) direct acts, (2) dreams and visions, (3) Christ’s incarnation, and (4) Scripture.” (Page 74)

“Sin must be understood from a theocentric or God-centered standpoint. At its core, sin is a violation of the Creator-creature relationship. Man only exists because God made him, and man is in every sense obligated to serve his Creator. Sin causes man to assume the role of God and to assert autonomy for himself apart from the Creator. The most all-encompassing view of sin’s mainspring, therefore, is the demand for autonomy.” (Page 453)

Praise for the Print Edition

The ministry of John MacArthur has had a worldwide impact. MacArthur and Mayhue clearly unfold the doctrines that are at the heart of this ministry, which has touched so many. Here we see a ministry built on truth, the truth of God’s Word and the truth of the gospel. A wonderful resource for students, pastors, and professors.

—Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor of Biblical Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

This book comes from a lifetime of studying and from the garnered wisdom of centuries. In combining devotion to Scripture with commitment to biblical doctrine, it addresses a great contemporary need. Strong beliefs make strong churches. One does not have to agree with the esteemed authors on every subject to be thankful for a volume of rich and enduring importance.

—Iain H. Murray, author, Jonathan Edwards: A New Biography and Evangelical Holiness, and founding trustee, Banner of Truth Trust

This new resource is a rich and compelling presentation of Christianity’s theological foundations, providing readers with an accessible but compelling systematization of biblical truth. As the last vestiges of Christian influence erode in the West, rich theological resources like Biblical Doctrine will edify and strengthen the church as it faces stiff opposition from the world.

—R. Albert Mohler Jr., president and Joseph Emerson Brown Professor of Christian Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, KY

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About the Editors

John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California, where he has served since 1969. He is known around the world for his verse-by-verse expository preaching and his pulpit ministry via his daily radio program, Grace to You. He has also written or edited nearly four hundred books and study guides. MacArthur serves as the president of the Master’s College and Seminary. He and his wife, Patricia, live in Southern California and have four grown children.

Richard Mayhue (ThD, Grace Theological Seminary) served at the Master’s Seminary from 1989 to 2016 as the dean of the seminary, research professor of theology, and executive vice president. He has authored or edited more than thirty books, including Biblical Doctrine.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition


28 ratings

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  1. Berechiah



    I love this book. I have the physical copy and added it to print library
  2. Joseph & Cindy Park
  3. Ron Hinson

    Ron Hinson


  4. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  5. Joel M Opificius
  6. Paul Timm

    Paul Timm


  7. Patrick



    A systematic theology book by John MacArthur and Richard Mayhue is going to be a conservative approach study. Even if you don't agree with the dispensational eschatological perspective, the book is going to be orthodox and well-written. There are no surprises here with maybe the exception that it appears that MacArthur's close relationship with Sproul and Ligonier Ministries may have rubbed off a bit more on his Soteriology (which I'm not going to complain about) but I wonder how much disagreement Mayhue had with MacArthur. MacArthur's name is going to be the one that most people will attribute the book to but there's more than enough Mayhue in here as well. The layout of the book is sectioned into 10 different parts with the main focuses being on God, Man, Salvation, Spiritual entities, The Church, and the end. Each subsection is well-cited and covered. While this single-volume set isn't going to be able to cover all the areas or respond to all objections, the book is large enough to do some of that work. The one area that I thought was most lacking was the section on angels, demons, and spiritual entities. It was the briefest section and it seemed like the authors didn't want to go too far into speculation or possibilities. There weren't whole sections I would disagree with. Places here are there focus on one aspect without considering others. For example, in the discussion about natural theology, nature was described as not being enough because of the fallen nature of nature where the implication is that nature is fallen ontologically. While I don't believe the authors would agree with this if asked out of the blue, the context made the authors focus on the need for special revelation. But those areas of lacks or faults are few and far between. What this systematic theology also does is it gives suggestions for further reading and also makes it easy for application, and I was able to take advantage of this with my pastor as a discussion meeting once a month per chapter. It was helpful to try and work on using the theology covered and in the structure of the book and turn it into personal application of my own sanctification process or applying the truth of God's Word to my life. There isn't a section called "Application" here so the onus is on the reader for this. But the "what do I do with this" is an easy enough question to ask per subsection. For a single-volume systematic theology, I would recommend this and found it very thorough in its citation of Scripture and does a good job of balancing the topics. Final Grade - A-
  8. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer


  9. Greg



  10. Forrest Cole

    Forrest Cole



Print list price: $60.00
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