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Bible Infographics is a beautiful presentation of just some of the visual and interactive resources available in Logos Bible Software.
Logos is a library and a tool. There are more than 100,000 biblical resources available for Logos Bible Software, from more than 500 publishers. This incredible library is complemented by unique scholarly data sets and powerful software tools for search, study, and visualization. Many of the visualizations shown in this book are available as live, interactive tools within Logos Bible Software. Imagine being able to generate a word wheel for any word in the Bible, to explore the structure of any psalm, or to follow the map of Ruth’s story interactively!
In addition to Logos Bible Software, Faithlife produces Bible Study Magazine and publishes the Faithlife Study Bible. Some of the content in Bible Infographics originally appeared in these resources, all of which support Faithlife’s mission: We use technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of the Bible.